l Another day, Another Dollar, Another War... l

| Sunday, February 24, 2002 || 7:43 am |

Okay so he is not as dense as I thought he is... Last night "Missionary Man" started to talk... well, he is always talking, but last night after we went to bed with me feeling tired and not well-enough-to-make-love-yet-again... He proceeded with telling me, after I noticed him being strangely silent and not groping me, he confessed that he no longer wanted to feel like I was just his weekend girlfriend... That of course provoked me into what I have been meaning to say for quite some time... I am just not ready for a commitment, and I swear he started acting like an 8 yr. old spoiled brat! "Ooh I know where this is going...." and I just said "No, all I want is to go out and have fun... I am not ready for anything more than one or two nights a week and even at that I want to feel free to make other plans on the wk.ends to hang out with my friends and do other things.." I think he ended up pissed off, hurt or something, because he got up and did geez only knows what for about an hour or maybe less I don't know I was deliriously tired yet couldn't quite fall asleep.

He brought me my lil fluffers last night... L.B. and Torin... They are 8 wks. old and the most adorable lil boys! I am not so sure that it was such a wise idea that I got two lil kitties but I just can't have my own place without some lil babies... I need lil babies and since I am no about to actually have a baby, let alone know anyone with whom I would like to reproduce, I HAD to get a couple fluffers...

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011