l Tug o' war - which are worse panties up the ass or your cell service giving it to you with out a kiss first? l

| Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2002 || 2:03 p.m. |

I had my first interview today, with a temp agency so don't get too excited... I am so hurting for money, Toyota wants me to "strongly consider if I can really afford my car". What bs is that? Of course I can, there has just been some really shitty unexpected things that have come up recently. Nothing is in my control either!

What else? I had a run in with my wonderful cellular provider again... If I haven't ever told you what is up then I won't even begin now... let me just say that S~PCS sucks bigger dildo than even I have ever seen! It is NOT free and clear NO WAY NO HOW!

I mean come on people, charging customers $3 a pop just to talk to a rep when you are calling because of an error they as a company made? Forcing customers to buy a card just to be able to make a payment somewhere oh and along with this new card you have to still pay a $8 fee to use this $10 card just to make a simple payment??? I have had it with you free and clear fuckers. You are free to clear my ass of this huge corporate dick in which you have bent me over time and time again.

I have been with you since 1998 and just this past year alone I have been taken advantage of and raped of money with out so much as a kiss first. How about even buying me a drink to dull the pain? yeah that is what I thought!

All my bitching and complaining has finally got me an additonal 150 anytime mins, an additional 2000 Night & wkend mins, and 500 PCS to PCS anytime mins. Finally a plan that sounds good. Can you now remove this plug from my ass I am starting to chaf a bit. Thank you

Now that I don't have to switch providers, at least just yet... My phone is back on, but who knows when they'll get another hair up their ass.

I have been thinking a lot about Milwaukee as you all know... and lately I am getting more and more depressed. His parents and grandparents went to see his new apartment and took him out to dinner. His parents never visited us and saw our apartment let alone invited us anywhere. His best friend, ComicTheatre, has been coming over everyday and staying the night etc. He never felt comfortable coming over when I was around. I think he stopped by twice. It just makes me realize how much happier everyone else is now that I am not in the picture... Well everyone but milwaukee and I.

We are planning a weekend getaway with just the two of us. He mentioned last night that my b-day is coming up, so maybe sometime around then. He also said something about meeting up in vegas, that would be too risky... We might get hitched or something. Live secretly married until everything blows over with our families and we can determine where we want to live or something. Or maybe he just doesn't want me to fly to Wisconsin so I don't have to see where he lives... He still won't give me his address yet and now that I know about his neighbor... Urg that just tugs my panties up my ass even farther just thinking about her just existing...

Well, that is pretty much it. For now at least. I might try checking out my old stomping grounds Cheers tonight just to say hi to the KJ D- and sing a few songs, lord knows it's been months since I sang karaoke. I could use the release.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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