l The Friday Five: l

| Friday, Jul. 18, 2003 || 2:58 p.m. |

[5]th entry for today... click here to read the main entry.

My first Friday Five

[1] When was the last time you cheated? Umm what are we talking about here? Cheated in life or cheated on a loved one? I guess it�s open to interpretation. I will have to say that the last time I cheated was or would have to have been� when I was on MTV. Kissing is considered cheating right? I did tell him the next day as soon as I saw my Suisse & it was w/ a girl so does that count?

[2] When was the last time you stole? I stole a kiss from my baby last night. I don�t believe in stealing material things. I either borrow or ask to keep it. I do steal music if downloading & burning is considered stealing.

[3] When was the last time you told a lie? This morning to my boss. He thinks I am moving out next weekend but really I am going to be in NJ/NY watching Bruce w/ my baby & visiting my friend. He has to continue to think this cause I am calling out sick Monday saying that I pulled my back out & can�t get out of bed.

[4] When was the last time you broke or vandalized another's property? Ummm I don�t think I have done this in years. Deliberately? Hmm * scratch * I once broke a water bottle that was mutual property of Milwaukee�s & me. I tossed it over his head in during a heated argument. I have never known anyonethat could get me that pissed off before.

[5] When was the last time you hurt a loved one? I guess when I didn�t defend my ex-gf when she was acting like a fool. I don�t think I should have defended her since she was being a drunken fool. But it still hurt her feelings.

Okay this is the last entry for today. I think this is my record for [1] day = [5] entries total. So it befits that I wrote the Friday Five here. Huh?

I am almost out of here. I just found three karaoke CD�s online that I just have to have & now it won�t let me pay for them� bastadages! One of them I need for the Ess Club semi-finals round. Out of 20,000 songs she just doesn�t have Vision of love By Mariah Carey. Huh. Sheesh I have to call Yahoo customer care now. Wish me luck!

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