l When ever I'm alone w/ you; you make me feel like I am free again. l

| Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003 || 10:54 a.m. |

My Horoscope

Visits from friends, neighbors, or relatives could take up a large portion of your day, Angel, and you could receive a number of phone calls. Some of the news you receive might be a bit disconcerting, as someone may be ill and need some cheering up. Or else a friend could come around and cheer you up. Basically, however, you are probably looking and feeling good, and are very communicative and full of ideas. Expect a busy day.

So my grandma will be here today! [�ippee!] I can�t wait! My mom is having her starting her last round of Chemo today & I guess she has some peach fuzz all ready going on her head. It�s going to fall out from the last bit of chemo but that is giving her hope for it to start growing fast once the chemo is finished & the radiation begins. She�ll be out here Sunday night for the week. I wish it wasn�t for work & I didn�t have to work but the bill$ don�t go on hold for anyone.

This weekend Suisse & I are headed to the desert to do some gambling w/ his fam friend & her daughter. That should prove to be interesting & hopefully rewarding as well.

Tonight after Gram leaves to head back to her hotel in la, I have made plans to meet up w/ Red & her pretend husband & go to a strip club. I haven�t gone to one of those in nearly 5 yrs so I think I am way over due. I know most of the girls are skanky but it�s just for fun. I�ve always had this little fantasy to do it once, but when I get back to my old body� this one�s a little too� umm voluptuous. I�m trying to be nice here.

I think I may have a depression problem. I know none of you would even think that I could be depressed enough to warrant a doctor�s visit or medication but not many of my closest friends would. I�m the chipper cheerful fun time gal! Most of the time... I could win an Emmy for my daily performances. I sometimes fool myself thinking I�m happy so it works most of the time. AJ & most of my ex�s were right when they refer to me as living in a fantasy world. I�ve never denied this I just choose to not really acknowledge it.

Soooo� anyways. I am going to look into it w/ my Doctor to see if there really is a problem or not & then forget about it! What I do best. Push the negative out of my life; swoosh it away.

Libra General Horoscope

You should be feeling especially romantic and sensual at this time, dear Libra, and you might find yourself drawing admiring glances from those around you - even strangers. Your level of passion is high, and so this is an excellent day to plan a romantic evening. You could also be feeling especially creative, and could well want to spend your day in some sort of artistic activity. Go to it! You called this truce. Now what? Everyone is waiting for a resolution, but his or her patience is wearing thin. It's up to you to make some kind of visible progress. Add up the little things and see whether they're approaching an acceptable total. If you're the one who was demanding proof, take a deep breath and give others the benefit of the doubt. The stars make things more ambiguous every time you think you're getting near clarity. Get used to this for the next few days. Temper the hard edge of your anticipation by daydreaming about what could happen.

Libra Females only: An intense passion has been released within you, Libra. You find it hard to resist the urge to take your loved one and run away with him to some deserted island. You could use a break from civilization. But if you can't quite make it to that island, how about creating an oasis right in your own home? Order some food from your favorite restaurant, bring it home and enjoy an intimate evening with your partner. You will probably spend a lot of time just laughing today. The day's planetary constellation is so sunny and buoyant! If you have been going through difficulties with a current relationship, then you can go a long way toward healing any rifts by getting out and having a great time, and also using this opportunity to talk through any problems. You will have a much brighter perspective later.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011