l Just for shits & giggles - here is an 2nd entry for today! l

| Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003 || 5:39 p.m. |

Just for fun. Thanks Thea for this one!

The Potion Maker
dalyrical1ium is a milky, pasty black gel culled from the leaves of a prickly-pear cactus.
neangelium is a milky, runny opalescent gel derived from the root of a honeysuckle.
Mixing dalyrical1ium with neangelium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque ochre potion which gives the user protection from prying eyes.
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

Now mix w/ me & see what we make together!

The Potion Maker
neangelium is a milky, runny opalescent gel derived from the root of a honeysuckle.
Mix with neangel! Username:
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

okay since I am hanging w/ Tracey for once. Together we can FLY!

The Potion Maker
neangelium is a milky, runny opalescent gel derived from the root of a honeysuckle.
mspsyched1ium is a translucent, fine indigo powder drained from the bones of a dragon.
Mixing neangelium with mspsyched1ium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a cloudy olive potion which gives the user the power of flight.
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

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