l Friday brain scrambled w/ cheese please l

| Friday, Oct. 03, 2003 || 4:40 p.m. |

Sorry I haven�t updated sooner. I�ve been so completely distracted today. I�ve spent all morning icing my forehead [I�ll explain later] & reading about some twisted real life murders here. It all started w/ an email chain letter type thing that asks us to sign & copy the petition. Well after I did all that I then had the thought of checking out the case to see if it was even real. Well it was so I read all about it & then even read about the related case of Mary Bell & then the bizarre case of a kidnapping turned into being a seven year sex slave. I can�t help but be compelled to read about all of these baffling cases from the UK & even in the US; I�ve always been a big psychology person or maybe you�d call it sociology. I love the studying people, human behavior & how it came to be.

Argh so tonight is Booty girl�s b-day party @ Cheers & tomorrow is when Suisse�s sister & her friend arrive from Switzerland. I am so stressed out & it seems that since I started the Wellbutrin-XL & are still taking the phentermine [I got the doc�s okay that they wouldn�t interact harmfully they said it�s fine], I seem to be so parched, my teeth clench & I play w/ my tongue. I think it�s because I have so much energy but have to sit down all day long in front of a computer. I don�t know but it�s going to take some getting used to that�s for sure.

Okay so the icing of my forehead. Well this morning, as I was getting ready to leave for work. I placed my gym bag & purse at the foot of the bed. Now Suisse�s feet were way on my side but he saw this as an opportune time to move his feet back over knocking all my stuff off of the bed. He does this every chance that he gets. I swear sometimes he is worse than a child, but it was all for a laugh & a smile. I did the mom thing of �Suisse!� & he sheepishly peeped �what? Hee hee hee�. So I decided to jump on him in bed & cover him in kisses. His arms were behind his head & right as I jumped he moved them & I ran SMACK! into his elbow. It was the loudest crack I have heard since my last baseball game I attended. He immediately wrapped his arms around me & apologized profusely. I guess I had startled him w/ my leap. But it was funny yet painful so he held me there as we both laughed & I was giggling my �owws�. Needless to say I got some strange looks from cars while I drove to work holding a blue frozen eye mask to my forehead.

I just can�t seem to focus lately. My deepest apologies to all loyal readers, hopefully after this weekend I will be back to normal or adjusted to the medications.

I might be updating this weekend if Suisse decided to take off to Vegas w/ his sister & her friend. I think they might but I can�t take time off to go w/. Boo � hoo

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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