l what a day to be ill l

| Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003 || 2:46 p.m. |

Dear Angel,
Here is your horoscope
for Tuesday, November 18:

A guilty conscience makes privilege feel too much like theft. Is there something that you're not telling a colleague or loved one? Lay your truth on the table, even if it means that nothing else gets done today.

I have a feeling nothing will get done today regardless. I am home in bed sick. There is some nasty bug going around & I caught it! I wasn't trying to catch bugs but apparently I didn't have to try. It caught me.

It was nice this morning after I awoke for work, Suisse opened his arms so I could curl up w/ him. Then I called in & returned to his arms. He didn't want to go to work either, or leave the bed but since he didn't let his boss know yesterday about taking the morning off the he is owed he couldn't. drat!

We watched 28 days later last night so we've been joking around about being an 'infected'. He even chased me to bed go "arghggarghah" [that is suppose to be the sound of an infected gurgling their strange sound]. It was an all right movie, nothing to write home about. Definitely just a netflix.

Okie well I'm going back to bed. I feel a fever coming on. I'll do my best to get up later & write some more.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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