l First day away not so bad. l

| Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2003 || 9:50 p.m. |

Ahh to be back in Texas again! I've never been too fond of it here but I'll live anywhere to be close to my loved ones.

My mom looks adorable w/ her fuzzy head of hair growing back. It's kind of a shock to see her hair so short & w/ no real style to it but it beats wear the itchy wigs. I think she should do the pomade look rather then the dry one. Her hair looks very Halle Berry but white. Well it would if she used the pomade...

Ahh so last night I dropped by CW's house to drop off her x-mas card but she wasn't yet home but her sister was. I haven't seen her since this time last year & now she's a week from her due date & it looks like she swallowed a globe! She looks so cute!! She's all of 5' nothing w/ this high, round belly. I couldn't help but coo. Once CW got home they invited me to stay for dinner & cake [it was her dad's b-day too]. I did & her dad insisted: it seems I am the only friend that her dad asks about constantly. We kicked back & had a few beers before I had to finally face the music that I still needed to pack. ARGHHGH! I hate packing. I needed do that then head to Suisse's for the night. He was extra cuddly from the moment I got there & to top it all off when he dropped me off we just stood there in each others arms & he said that he's going to miss me to which I jokingly said "Ahh no you won't" but I recanted & said that I know & I too will miss him a lot. Then the customary "call me when you get there" request. *Smile* I told him I'd text since he'd be at work.

I got all of my Christmas shopping done today in the short span of an hour & a half. My mom was a little perturbed that I was buying for Suisse here when I'd just have to lug it back in Cali - well I didn't to have to do it again in a week.

My niece had to come over for dinner to see her Auntie Angel. She informed me that I am her special favorite Auntie & then when I told her she was my favorite niece she lifted her 3-year-old leg & let one rip. She thought it was just hilarious of course. What a gassy ass that one is! She's an absolute beauty though. My brother & wife took my nephew to get pictures done & the photo place insisted that they had to take one of her to put in their photo books & displays. It took a little convincing but they received free copies of the picture & signed the release form. I won't say where it's at but it's a national chain & so when you see the most beautiful little angel in a photo book that will be my favorite farting niece.

Like clockwork as soon as Suisse got off of work he texted me [as to not interrupt some family activity] w/ "hello to everyone from moi :)". I called him back & after a few minutes I heard the co-worker in the passenger seat. Say Hi to Bill for me why don't you. They were going shopping. I laughed & said where at the Tavern? "No". I told him to take a picture of them holding hands & skipping through the malls. To which Bill retorted - NO MALLS! Suisse then said fuck it. Let�s just go to the Tavern for a drink. I knew that was coming. He had said that he felt like a girl going shopping w/ Bill. Apparently only girls go shopping together. He's so damn cute & funny, predictable but funny.

I realized last night that him & I have a lot of inside, running jokes. We also tend to finish each other�s thoughts. Not in a psychic way, I think it's just because we know each other so well. I don't think there is a lot of people out there who really know me or get me for that matter. I don�t mind that at all. I think, as people get older they tend to have less & less friends, they may have a ton of acquaintances but true friends are only a handful maybe. Even with the small amount of true friends you don�t really see them, hang out w/, or even talk w/ them nearly as much as we used to talk to our friends back in school. I know that I�ve dived into my relationship w/ Suisse & many of my good friends have their own that they shell up w/ which is fine. There are still there for me when I really need to talk as I am for them in return. That is all that really matters. The late night phone calls w/ your gf�s or crushes were most of the time the only sounds were you both breathing then asking the other �so what�s going on?� Or �no you hang up� those days were nice & necessary for our self esteem back then but now we don�t require so much & we embrace the moments were we do come together to enjoy each other�s company.

I take a look at all the close friends whom I have never met here from Diaryland. & I can�t help but feel blessed. Blessed that some how these people have come into my life & enriched it in some way. Whether we actually ever get a chance to meet [which btw Thea � Suisse said we have to go visit you & hit up Atlantic City], or we just continue to chat via messenger, notes, tag-boards & guestbooks; that is fine. We will have been happy & thankful just to be able to share those precious moments.

Wow, that was nice. I haven�t done a free write like that in a while. Well take care all you friends & neighbors. May you all be safe, warm & loved this holiday season. If I don�t get to chat w/ you guys until next year then have a safe New Year�s as well. I�ll do my best to update regardless.

Holiday kisses,

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011