l Happy Birthday to my woman Thea! l

| February 18, 2004 || 2:12 p.m. |

Happy Birthday Thea! I want every one who reads my journal to give that girl some love today. Come on I�ll wait� my entry ain�t going no where�

Okay so Today�s Horoscope: Maybe you haven't noticed, but Valentine's Day has passed. Love is here to stay, even if it makes you look a little foolish. Friends will cover for you if you slip while staring too long at the bright side.

I made a nice dinner last night: Chicken & prosciutto tortellini w/ a vodka sauce then topped it off w/ White chocolate macadamia nut cookies. I miss cooking for people. My plans didn�t work out exactly as I had wanted but let�s just say I did my cooking somewhere other than my place rather then at my place. When I arrive to check my mail I was surprised to have received a package all the way from Norway.

Thank you brucegirl, I absolutely love it!

I�m so thankful for all of my friends, here & in real life; there are so many people I want to meet & visit. I have to plan a weekend to go to San Diego to visit a few friends that I never get a chance to see & meet up w/ the couple of girls from this D-world that live in that area. I wonder if I can manage to fit all that into one weekend or if I would have to spread it out to two? Hmmm. One night w/ my Galpal G & the next day w/ a d-lander, the evening w/ the ex-coworker fam friend of mine & then the next day w/ a d-lander then home. That might work. Friday, Saturday then Sunday. Hmmm I�ll have to see if both G & the other friend has the same weekend available for me to stay over as I certainly wouldn�t put that upon any of my d-friends.

So much thinking & thought but no action have I taken yet or in the past. I also want to get up to Sacramento to visit my Uncle. Wow, I have a lot of little weekend road trips ahead of me. How fun! I�ll have to talk someone into going w/ me to Sac though. Hmmm.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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