l Sex in the City ends this Sunday l

| February 20, 2004 || 2:20 p.m. |

This has been the longest short week I have ever had here at work. I don�t think I�ve appreciated the TGIF expression until today. Oddly enough I am all set to work & feeling into it. That could just be because it is Friday, I got some great sleep last night & I know I will have a great weekend. C�est possible.

I�m really looking forward to the rest I have planned this weekend & even better news� My mom is going to be down visiting on next weekend until Wednesday. She was going to stay until the following weekend but her hubbie might be flying to Japan that Sunday & they want to spend a couple days at home before that happens. Understandable, I�m just excited to see her regardless.

I think I forgot to mention it but last Friday she had the reconstructive surgery to put in the silicone boob. It went well & she is not having a problem or pain at all. They�re going to wait for it to �settle� before getting the other boob to match but that shouldn�t be too long. I�m so glad that all this cancer stuff is over with now. I�m sure not as relieved as she is. It�s been one strange great year for all of us. This new year is proving to be umm� well I guess it�s too soon to really tell but so far it�s not too bad. I started it off right & with the love of my life so that�s something.

I can�t believe that in 21 days [3 weeks] I�ll have not only been in a relationship for a year but been living so far away from my family. I survived! That�s a feat in itself I think. A completely different experience from living in Wisconsin but then again those were completely different circumstances & situation. I am in my element here & have my friends just to name a few things.

So this Sunday marks the end of Sex in the City, I have missed the last few episode but all on my own accord - I tend to put Someone before the show... I really want to see this one so I might have to drag someone home with me to watch it, hopefully with some Winter White Chocolate ice cream from Baskin Robbins

I�m so excited that my mom is coming. Right now that is all I can think about! I miss my mummy!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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