l Ever been to a Casino & never gambled? I have now twice! l

| March 29, 2004 || 1:20 p.m. |

Don�t you just hate a slow start to a new week? I�m more than exhausted, I�d be happy doing nothing but sleeping right now. For some reason after staying up way to late Saturday night, I woke up at 7:30 & couldn�t seem to fall back to sleep. I did off and on but I�d wake up & see only a couple minutes had past. I finally rolled out of bed around 10am. I gave in. It was useless to fight. But it does sound like it will be a nice week after all.

Love has asked you to be patient lately, and although this has been tough, you are coming to see that it has been for the best. This weekend, you will find that your patience has certainly paid off. Finally, the communication that you have been waiting for comes through. The status of your relationship is much clearer, and you are more confident overall that you are on the right track. In terms of new love coming your way, this weekend is definitely your time to strike it rich. After a few jokes are exchanged in your workplace, over e-mail, or at a bar, you will know that this person is ready and willing to take the relationship a step further. Your confidence is up and you are not afraid to go out on a limb. Don't be afraid to take charge and call the shots as far as when and where you want to meet up next. Your wish will be granted.

A quick recap of the weekend: Friday: Girlbar w/ sexyatheist & her two friends, aside from getting a $40.00 parking ticket I had a lot of fun. We didn�t get to stay too long as she started feeling ill. I feel horrible for scheduling a Girlbar introduction during Dinah Shore weekend. I honestly didn�t know what weekend it was until this past week. I�m not a card-carrying lesbian anymore so I don�t keep up on my lez-schedule. Bad girl. It will be much better next time.

Saturday: I woke up bright & early to take my car for her smog test. Yippee how fun. I couldn�t get a hold of anyone to pick me up so I walked across the street gave blood & talked on my phone to a few friends whom I haven�t talked to in a while. About 4 hours later� I went home to complete my car registration & then Gameboy picked me up to finally do that modeling/drawing stuff. I thought it might be a little awkward modeling for an artist but it wasn�t. We never ended up w/ full nude since we lost the daylight but you should see the sketches he did of me! As soon as he finishes them I will show you all. He does the light sketch work first & then scans them so he can do more detailed work on his computer. Hell I would have been just happy framing the sketches� I looked so beautiful through his eyes & transposed onto paper. I cooked dinner for both him & Red afterwards � Mmm talk about some good teriyaki chicken. I can�t wait to do more modeling for him. Am I vain saying that? I absolutely love having my picture taken & being acknowledge as something art worthy.

Red & I went out to sing some more Karaoke, okay well for me to sing. I drank way too much white zin. I haven�t been a big wine girl surprisingly for a while so I paid for it the next day. Despite my hangover I decided I wanted to back out to the Pala Casino w/ my KJ woman to sing. Can I just say how much I enjoy singing on a huge stage to a ton of people w/ all the glitter, jackpots ringing & lights? Not to mention all the applause & people stopping me on my way to get a drink to tell me how great I sounded etc. I know that sounds conceited but when everyone around you strangers has told you something & not you�re entire life you can�t help but believe it a little bit. I do stay as modest as I can in public. I actually never know how to take the compliments anymore. I just act shy, blush & meek out a lil thank you. What else can I say though? There are the people that just keep praising you & going on and on about you� what am I supposed to say to that? I just keep saying thank you as if I were a broken record. But then again there are those times when some random drunk guy or arrogant prick will see me walking on the stage, see the title of the song & make a comment to me saying � You better do this one right, it�s a good song, don�t ruin it� it�s comments like those that trigger my own arrogance. Ooh I can be & am the worse critic when it comes to singing. I think I said something to him along the lines of �Ooh really now? Just watch�. Anyways, back to my story�

We sang & decided to head down to another karaoke joint afterwards. There were these two guys [one of which has a crush on KJ] & they invited us to visit their hangout. Omg it was just like Cheers only closer to San Diego. The one thing that we both just got a kick out of it our first songs. I think everyone in the bar just about shattered their jaws when she got up & then me following her� we didn�t have to buy a drink the rest of the night & received some amazing standing ovations. It�s always so much fun singing at new places. So yeah, I got home after 1 am this morning & now work sucks ass. I need to go to bed early tonight. No more partying for me til Vegas on the 9th.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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