l They�re having an Angel l

| March 30, 2004 || 12:22 p.m. |

Red just called to inform me that the sonogram showed a baby girl meaning they will be naming her after moi! Well at least the first name: Angelina Chiara is the full name. What an honour! I am so happy for them, jealous too but happy.

Something else I wanted to mention that just made me feel ooh so fabulous is on Friday night while I was getting ready for Girlbar, I heard my phone ring & kind of expected it to be her but instead it was my LBG calling from Oregon. I recognized the white rose flashing on my screen [the rose she gave me on V-Day]. As soon as I answered I heard her yell �I MISS YOU!! My baby misses you too!� That�s the only reason she was calling; she missed me & was thinking about me. Ahh! I love that girl. I am so glad to have such a great friend close by. Hell I think my Boo might even be getting jealous since I hadn�t seen either of them in a week & I opted to go see her! But after our little talk on Sunday I got a text message yesterday w/ a simple �hi =) � & then �you said you wanted me to let you know when I am thinking about you� At least he is trying, a little. Little by little, step n by step.

I don�t think I am going to get any sleep at all this week. Things are going none stop which is the way it should be. On the Vegas front� so I�m taking LBG with me [gave her no choice] to meet up w/ that old Middle School friend of mine. Well it seems that this sugar daddy I mentioned decided to get us a Suite at the Bellagio for that weekend. Um that is fucking sweeeeeet! Now I�ve been thinking about this a lot & he doesn�t want any strings attached, he just says he wants to take care of me, pamper & baby me. No strings� does that mean no sex? No messing around? Cause if that is what it means then sign me up baby! I do feel strange letting someone do that but as long as I am humble about it & thank him a lot verbally then it�s okay right? I do deserve to be taken care of after all.

Another fruit to ponder, he wants to send me to Hawaii to open an office & run it. Apparently after hearing me talk about my future MINI, he assured me that I wouldn�t have to wait as that would be included as part of my bonus for accepting the Hawaiian office job thing. Question one: would he [SD] allow Boo to move w/ me [assuming he would in the first place] & two: do I really want to be an ocean apart from my family, where I couldn�t just hop in my MINI & drive to see them?

The idea of it is fabulous but is the reality just as fabulous?

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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