l Wishin it were Friday l

| April 07, 2004 || 1:27 p.m. |

Our office is still in shambles which is not only creating a lot of tension here in the office but with the dehu�s going my area/office is freezing cold & everywhere else is close to 80 degrees. I am way too ready for this week to be done and over with.

I am leaving early today as I forgot my appointment that should have been at noon. Oops! Thankfully she had an open time at 2 so rather then coming back to the office for an hour I�m just going to take the two hours as sick time since it is a doctor�s [type] visit. Plus the first game in the Hockey playoffs start @ 4 so I can run over to Suisse�s house & watch them with my Boo! He is still teasing me about this weekend. He doesn�t want me to go to Vegas, he says he�s jealous & wants me to himself all weekend. Silly boy! I think he did agree to do Easter dinner with me & the LBG family once her & I get back from Vegas. I�m not going to hold my breathe on that one but we�ll see when the time comes.

Perhaps if I get in the mood & have the time, I�ll write more later today- but bare in mind tonight is not only two playoff games but Cheers as well. ;-)

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011