l Hi Ho hi ho It's back to work I go l

| April 14, 2004 || 1:06 p.m. |

Horoscope for today: A brand-new start is on the agenda, in a very exciting department. Prepare to hear a strikingly familiar voice under most unusual circumstances. Ah, well. Forewarned is forearmed. Dress appropriately -- and try to look surprised.

I need to find a job in Texas if I don�t get the job opening at my brothers company. I need to redo my resume but I hate doing that period. I hate writing resumes & coverletters etc. Anyone out there good at that stuff that wanna do it for me? I can compensate if necessary.

I am all ready tired of being here at work again even though I was thoroughly bored the past two days doing nothing. It�s such a catch twenty-two. I love being paid to do nothing but then again I feel useless when I don�t do anything. Maybe I should have spent that time writing my resume rather then sleeping but hey a girls got to make up for lost sleep sometimes right & what a better way to do it then by getting paid for it!

Crap it�s all ready lunch time & since we still have no bathroom I am headed home to make something scrumptious & use my own potty. I�ll edit when I return.

[edit] The day has gone by pretty quickly & I couldn't be anymore happy for that. I wish I could watch all of the playoff games while at work but it doesn't seem to be as much as watching it with my Boo. I guess snuggling next to him or even just being in the same room as he is makes it just that much better. It doesn't look as if Dallas is going to go very far this year which sucks ass cause that is one of the only teams [aside from the Kings & Ducks] that I would want to see win. Maybe next year our teams will actually make it and maybe next year I will actually be able to go to games with my baby. Bitter still? Moi? Non, Je ne amer pas.

Looks like I'll be getting a new computer in the near future & I can't be more excited. I would rather a laptop but at the deal I am getting I am definitely not complaining! What I do need to do now though is find a way to get my hair done at a reasonable price. My roots are about two inches from the scalp & thankfully the highlights are not right ontop of my head so it is not terribly noticeable. All right it's 5 o'clock & I need to get the hell out of here. [/edit]

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