l We built this city, we built this city on rock & roll l

| April 19, 2004 || 12:44 p.m. |

Today�s scope: Physical pleasures and creature comforts will be at the very top of your priority list -- right up there with depth and intimacy in all your encounters. Don't settle for anything less than complete and total fulfillment, in all departments. This weeks lovescope: Take control of your relationship (or your dating life) Monday. You've been compromising a little too much and now it's time to even out the balance. You'll be the paragon of social grace much of the week, so you should be able to negotiate nearly anything you want with a little creative work. The weekend sees a renewal of your mental energy and a deep desire to talk out your issues with friends, family and (maybe) your sweetheart. After all this empowerment, you could feel like collapsing emotionally on Sunday. Go for it! Everyone needs some downtime, and you've earned yours

My dream weekend came true! I spent the entire weekend in the arms of my baby. We did next to nothing and man did I need that relaxation & S time. I don�t think we even left the house until we went to do his laundry & eat Hawaiian food. [Mental note: pork dish not so good] I tried a dish I would never normally order & my tummy was punished for it. But the fact that we just went right home & took a short nap [while watching the hockey game] was the best cure for it.

Upon arriving home this morning I discovered that I received a call from the LULU kitty temp-owner letting me know that my home sounds perfect for the little darling! Woo Hoo! I have yet to call her back [will do today], and I hope the fact that I didn�t get the message until two days later doesn�t affect my adoption decision. Here are pics of her: here & here

Isn�t she just absolutely adorable? I can�t wait to pick her up & cover her in lito kisses!

The highlight news for my day. Are you teething? Is that the right phrase or does it have to be toothing? The Brits are pretty odd but I�d love to be there for a few years to get that awesome Brit lingo & accent down pat.

So I�m headed up to Sacramento this Friday after work to see my Uncle at his carshow thing Saturday. It should be a lot of fun. My Uncle fucking rules! He is so damn funny & we always just laugh & get drunk & laugh some more when I go up there. I really wish S would go with me but apparently he all ready committed to some PT Cruiser thing. I�d like to seem like a priority. I�d rather see him break his plans to go with me as it�s my family [that he�s never met] and he has never gone out of his way to do anything with my family, only if it�s convenient for him & doesn�t interfere with anything. Maybe that is what my horoscope is hinting at? Should I pitch a fit & have him make a decision or at least let him know how I feel about it? I guess I kind of have to. I need to be more vocal about the truths of my emotions if I ever want to see things change in that regard. He knows how much it means to me as I kind of got fussy and watched TV in his room for a few hours not talking to him but he still didn�t change his mind. Damn stubborn men.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011