l I think I may be dying from exhaustion l

| April 23, 2004 || 4:23 p.m. |

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[Wednesday] A semi, a truck & a bmw z something decided to play around on the road & take out our transformer � it took out the power for all the buildings on our side of the road. So I got the rest of the day off since no one could do anything. Unfortunately it is an unpaid day off but today [Thursday] I get the pay since their doing the construction & the fumes, noise etc is giving me a migraine. I�ve had so much time off lately I love it but then again at the same time I don�t cause I am all ready so far behind.

I can take this time though to get my brakes checked & done before I head to Sacramento tomorrow. Thankfully my Dad said he�d go in half with me since this paycheck is mostly going towards rent. [edit] My brakes are fixed & my Dad ended up paying for all of it. I wondered why he wanted to talk to the guy but I thought it was just shoptalk. Ooh well, I can drive up north with no worries, my car is almost brand new! I tried again [as I have all week] to get S to come with me but he just won�t budge. Damn cars. I hate coming in second to a damn car. But anyways�

I just got one amazing job offer, basically I�d pick my own hours to work, 4 days at that with 30 hours & I would be making $850 more a month [that is included the tax that would be taken out & is actually more than one whole paycheck that I get here isn�t that sad?]. I would also get a lot more benefits & perks such as spa treatments etc. The job is in Downtown LA but I�d be reimbursed for the gas & mileage. I requested the details to be emailed to me so I can review them & make my decision. I have to be hush hush, as it�s a guy we work with & do a lot of business with. Hmmm I might even get a car out of the deal too if I play my cards right. What a sweet idea. We�ll have to see if it�s not just a �too good to be true� deal.

I forgot that I was going home to pack on my lunch break & went with the guys instead. Now I am about an hour behind my schedule to leave for Sacramento but since it�s Friday it could be a blessing in disguise. I hate sitting in traffic, more so now that I don�t smoke, it just makes me wish I still did. I get too antsy & agitated by Californian drivers. I think I am gonna need to stop & pick up some Red bull, I am so tired right now it�s not even funny & to think I�ll be in a car or at least 7+ hours tonight. Argh!!

At least I can be thankful for Red bull, great music, and air conditioning. I, of course, will be eating my usual road trip diet foods � beef jerky & HARBO Gold-bears. Healthy huh? I love me some gummi bears & jerky. I think I actually gained a couple of pounds recently. Maybe it�s just me but my tummy was flatter a couple weeks ago & now I am just bloaty looking. I have been eating a little bit more than usual not too mention I had a soda or two. Bad bad girl.

Aside from all of that I am pretty damn stressed from over work & office bullshit but on cloud 9 with my baby. It was cute, I asked this lito fortune wizard thing if he�s ask me to marry him [someday] & it said �Are you kidding?? Of course! YES!�. I smiled & then asked a few more. According to this magical wizard we�ll have kids & not get divorced that funny part is it said that it didn�t think that he was the one; the only one for me. But if you believe that people can have multiple soulmates than that wouldn�t be a problem at all. I think I like that lyco wizard!

I better wrap this up for now. Feel free to call me while I am on that long road or even text message me. I�d love the companion ship & I love to talk! I�ll try to post if I can this weekend, but if not then I�ll see y�all Monday! Mwahz!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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