l So sorry for the past few days; yes i am alive l

| April 22, 2004 || 9:46 p.m. |

i forgot the entry i wanted to write in my car.

I had most of the day off today because of construction fumes & yesterday a semi, truck & bmw sportie car decided to play around & the beamer smacked head on into our transformer causing the power to go out at every building on our side of the road.

I did, however, get a nice long lunch at The Yard House since it was "Administrative Professionals Day" or as my boss called it "receptionist day".

i promise to type more tomorrow since i will have more time at home but for now i must say good night.

Things are great with myself & Suisse. I couldn't possibly love that man any more than I all ready do.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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