l Why can�t someone write songs about me? J/k l

| April 26, 2004 || 12:46 p.m. |

I had a good weekend considering all the driving; it was definitely worth it to see my family. He won Best Pick from the City of Rancho Cordova, which is awesome! I had a lot of fun playing catch up with the girls & checking out all the Ford/Lincoln/Mercury 1949-1953 cars. I want me a big ole piece of American steel to drive around! I got home around [S�s home] 5:45 & we went to get some stone cold ice cream & Kill Bill vol.1. Unfortunately the DVD was messed up so we never got to finish it, very disappointing. Even more so was me, being so tired from all the driving I was extremely grouchy so every time S did anything to tease me I would be all bitchy. Talk about being moody. All I wanted was to be loved & cuddled but no I couldn�t say anything like that I just kept quiet. My poor sweetheart, I emailed an apology this morning so I hope that will help a little.

I really can�t think of what else to write today. My mind is boggled with all this work piling up & my mind just won�t seem to focus. I�ll have to come up w/ some stuff later today & edit. Sorry peeps.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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