l Revenge of the ring? l

| April 29, 2004 || 4:30 p.m. |

Today�s ironic horoscope: If your impulse is to stay curled up in bed all day -- well, it's up to you. If you've been diligent over the past few days while the rest of the world has fiddled, go ahead. It's your turn.

I did in fact stay in bed today; I�ve been feeling nauseous since yesterday. I hope it to only be stressed related. I haven�t actually gotten sick; it�s just that feeling that won�t seem to go away. A guy at my office said something yesterday to me that was so extremely rude & unwarranted � that I think is why I feel this way. I was so upset by the comment that it made me ill. I spoke to my boss & in turn we both spoke the big guy. That was a giant waste of time. I could technically file harassment charges & I will be announcing at the next meeting the issue. I am not going to tolerate this shit anymore.

On to something else, despite the fact that I don�t have the money to really do it, I bought the ticket to surprise my mom next weekend. I leave Saturday morning & come home Monday after work. I just hope that they don�t have a problem w/ me taking the day off. I might just not tell them & call in sick again but either way I have no leave to take so it�s time off for free. Thankfully I have put in at least 4+ hours over time so far. Maybe I can toss in more to make up for it. Man with my next paycheck [if it wasn�t for overtime] I would broke as soon as I get paid. I will only be able to pay part of my rent before the 7th. I hope she understands � I hate it when rent falls right between pay periods. I also have my insurance to pay today & then out of the 7th I need to pay payday loans back, my cell phone bill & car payment. It�s going to be a tough couple of weeks. My mom is worth the sacrifice though. She is not feeling well lately & it�s just not been the same having her so far away. We�re too close & I need to move out there soon.

I spoke to the guy about the LA job today. He said that it is a MINIMUM of 30 hours a week & he is even getting me an administrative assistant to answer phones & stuff. It will be kind of strange having my own Admin. Assist. I haven�t been someone�s boss since Pier one back in 2001 but I think it�ll be fine. I am a little worried about working for SD. I guess that is what I will be actually doing. Working through SD for another company as a manager. SD will be responsible for my paychecks. Hmmm. I don�t think he�d actually be around at all, at least I can hope. I can bank my checks [extra cash] to save up for Texas & my MINI. Man o man I want my MINI soon. I have the perfect personalized license plate that I want to get & I will when I can shell out the $50 bucks without killing my bank account. I discovered that I can get it now to use on my echo & once I get my MINI I can just transfer it over. It might not make as much sense on Molly but that�s okay it will only assure me that I have what I want until I can get the car I want to match it!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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