l u see my light & u love my dark; u dig everything... u're still here l

| May 20, 2004 || 10:08 a.m. |

Today�s Scope~ You're feeling the benefits of a good night's sleep, a healthy meal, the right lifestyle or maybe all of the above. Your energy is great. Your mind is in overdrive. Hang out with people who're on the same page.

That could not be so wrong. I slept around 2 am with a drunken bf wrapped around me, didn�t make dinner cause he thought we were doing that tonight & not last night so he went & played poker not to mention I worked out for 2 � hours last night after my appointment & I feel totally fat now.

Couples Scope~ Now this is more like it! Some nice new ideas about matters of the heart have been growing like pretty flowers in your mind. Time to offer up the bouquet to your sweetie and see how they like it.

Now do you think that could mean I should bring up the moving in together thing? I have a feeling that he won�t do it at all & maybe I could just hint around at it like he does & see what or how he reacts. Hmmm. I�ll see how things go tonight when I make dinner.

want to hear some music from a guy on my emode/Tickle friends network? It�s not bad. I don�t recall how I came to add this Peter. I hope he doesn�t get made that I linked them here. They are not released & not completely finished. I am only leaving them up for a little bit then I will remove them. If you want to listen after that you can go to the site which I believe is earthen.com, nevermind I checked that site out & it's not it. I don't know what it is frankly.

then check this one

My KJ galpal might be eloping next weekend to either Vegas or Santa Barbara. I told her if they did I�d go as a witness & hopefully S would go with me. It�d be a nice fun interesting memorial day weekend that is for sure. Vegas would be really crowded I�m sure but still it would be a lot of fun. I�ve never been into the Vegas eloping-wedding thing cause I think it is too cheesy for me. Maybe for your second or third wedding [which I will not have] it�s fine but the first time should be with a big bang. That is what I am going to do. I would never deprive my father from walking me down the aisle. We might get married over seas but as long as I give my family a few months [say 6] that should be enough time to save up & make arrangements. I don�t want anything extravagant & over the top; just beautiful & tasteful. Something to look back on & say there was nothing that I would have done differently. I�ve said it before that I�ve never daydreamed or planned my wedding when I was little but the older I get the more I begin thinking about those things. I never thought I�d get married nor did I see myself ever getting married but I want to & I will [with S if I have my way]. * big grin *

I�m going to make myself some more green tea w/ honey. Today is the day I get to [finally] take that long 2-3 hour lunch. I want PF Changs but I�ll see where my sp wants to go & we�ll pick a nice, expensive place to chill.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011