l Waiting for an invitation to arrive l

| May 21, 2004 || 12:32 p.m. |

Couple scope~ Your state of coupledom is about to undergo a coup, and resistance is futile. An out-with-the-old, in-with-the-new approach will bring a new intensity to your bond.

It�s going to take a little longer than I thought to switch banks completely. I realized after I got the 100 dollars all taken care of that I still have to wait for the to send me the Master Service Agreement, sign it & then wait for them to receive and process it before they send me my atm card thingy & checks. The only drawbacks from taking the supposed easier more convenient way of applying online, I should have just sucked it up & gone into the bank branch today on my lunch break. Maybe I can call & cancel the application then go into a branch. Whatever, maybe I should just wait it out, be patient for once. I guess that is a good thing to have. Or so I have been told.

TGIF! I got my check & it is so nice to see the overtime on there! I had about 300 bucks extra [not taking out tax] & man could I use that every paycheck. I think I need to learn how to breathe again. I find myself holding my breath & that maybe a good source of all my tension & stress. I just discovered this week that the yoga classes I used to take are free again. That was a pleasant surprise now I can start going regularly again � hallelujah! My back will be thanking me in two weeks, let me tell ya.

Okay I am pretty sure WaMu is tired of me all ready. I had to call once this morning to cancel the first online application I did since I couldn�t reverse the whole send a check thing to paying online, then I filed out a new one & paid the deposit online only to get impatient & call again just now to cancel that one so I can walk in to a bank branch & do it faster. I�m a dork with no patience at all. I�m so impatient I am tempted to go to lunch right now so I can do that. It�s not even 11:30 yet & I don�t typically take my lunch til 2. I�m working on cleaning myself up financially. I really am this time. During our nice 2-hour lunch yesterday [in which I ate a 14oz New York steak], I started talking to SP about the plans my dad & I set up � remember that poll I had up, about those plans. I need to put the wheels in motion if I am going to accomplish anything. My mom told me last night that I need to start getting more serious about the status of my relationship if I really want to have kids & get married. She said I shouldn�t wait until my early thirties to start having kids because of some higher risk of having a down syndrome baby once a woman hits 35. I figure S & I go all the way as I plan, we could start with a family when I am say� pop out the first one when I am 30 and the last one start around 33-34. I want at least 3-4 years between kids. That sounds good right? It then gives us another 6 + yrs for us. What do you think?

Do you realize I am all ready tired of this template? I want something cleaner. I revamped this one using a different format but the sitemeter wouldn�t work on it & that is a problem I just can�t seem to figure out. It�s driving me batty. I need more software, I need a lot of stuff to do what I want to do & yet I just can�t seem to do. My web goddess was going to build me a computer for one hell of a deal with all the programs I requested but that hasn�t happened yet & neither has my website been posted [angelsellars.com]. I am getting anxious but I know she is one busy aussette so there is not much I can do to push things along. Okay I�m out for now. Kisses!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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