l Friday Fun day l

| May 28, 2004 || 9:51 a.m. |

Today�s scope~ A surge of romantic passion could drive you to try a rendezvous with a lover no matter what obstacles might stand in your way. Take care, however, to use your intuition to judge what your partner wants as well! Enterprises that you may have been pursuing with business colleagues could take a giant step forward today, as both you and your partners are likely to be feeling especially strong and motivated. Move forward with caution, dear Libra, but move forward. You're definitely due for a secret encounter of some kind right now -- but will you love it or hate it? That's entirely dependent upon how brutally honest you've been -- with yourself.

I cried a lot last night. I am not sure what was actually accomplished if anything so I will not go into it here. I fell asleep with his arms around me & that is all that matters. People do the strangest things for the ones they love but I will stand firm & create viewpoints into different angles of every situation. It�s only difficult trying to show someone something when they are so stubborn in the their own ways. Love will prevail, I promise you this.

LBG�s mom just called & I am headed over to her work [which is right next to S�s] so I can drop off the renaissance outfit I borrowed for Sunday & never wore. Today is going to drag on forever I can just tell. The phone isn�t ringing off the hook & of course it is a long holiday weekend so I am sure everyone is off today & all ready on the road to have fun. Me on the other hand have a bridal shower to go to where I have no clue as to what to bring as a gift [I thought you bought stuff off of the bridal registry for the wedding???], and then I don�t know what the rest of the weekend will hold. I know there was something else going on but I can�t remember so it must not be very important. I left a note on S�s kitchen counter saying we should go somewhere Saturday night until Monday. I hope we can, I think we need to get away & focus on just us.

Tonight is the dinner with J, sexya & GE. I have to leave directly from work to be able to make it to Hollywood by our reservation time at 8pm. I have all my clothes in the car as well as my make up. My only problem is when I can put my make up on & what I am going to do with my hair.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011