l Parte une de weekend comm�moratif [memorial] l

| June 01, 2004 || 12:42 p.m. |

Month of June Romance Scope~It's easy to be fair between the 1st and 4th while your significant other agrees with you on everything. But there could be trouble on the 5th when you get a reminder of what you surrendered to make this relationship a reality. Would you really want to go back to that? On the 7th and 8th show your lover just how far you've evolved in his or her good graces. For those in search of attention and a loving touch, the first flames of affection could roar into a passionate blaze between the 9th and 18th, provided that you fan them with good manners and clever ideas. By the 14th it should be obvious if the other person is crazy about you, and from there things will take care of themselves. It's important to share thoughts and feelings on the weekend of the 19th. Communication is critical in any stage of a relationship. Starting on the 21st, hungers are satisfied and wishes are fulfilled. The mind-body connection is firing beautifully. People that are close get even closer. Between the 25th and 27th you're intoxicated with a promise. Why shouldn't you look as good as you feel? The world is watching.

Today�s Scope~ Falling in love can occur on many levels -- as you'll soon discover. Whoever or whatever it is that catches your fancy, you'll be amazed at how quickly it happens. A number of chores that need to be done around the home could have you feeling a little bit overwhelmed today, dear Libra. Family members might abandon you, and this could leave you a bit disgruntled. Do what is most pressing and leave the rest for later - when they're home! There might be a slight difference of opinion between you and your mate. Use your innate ability to see both sides of any issue to circumvent any serious disagreements.

Guess what I did today? I became an Ordained Minister; you may all call me Reverend Angel. If you don�t believe me then see for yourself. Okay so the weekend was long & yet I can�t wait for this coming weekend to begin. Sounds normal right? At least for me it is. I actually did quite a bit yet not enough for such a long weekend but it was nice in a slow kind of way.

Friday night: I drove up to LA for the dinner/dancing w/ J, sexyatheist & GE. I decided since I was so early to park in the WeHo park & just walk up to the restaurant on Sunset � it didn�t seem like it would be too far but in heels going up a steep hill in the heat is a little more difficult than I thought. I got to the restaurant [or right next to it] about 10 minutes before our 8 pm reservation & called GE & J to see how far along they were� they had just gotten on the freeway. I had called them 1 � hours prior to warn them of the traffic but apparently they got held up in the local Lbc traffic going back to the hotel. So there I was 20 minutes from my car, starving & feeling a little peeved [mind you I�ve been severe PMS all week & even S was sick of my mood swings for once], so I called my Lbg to talk & then called S � surprisingly we talked longer then on the phone then ever before, I could be wrong but I don�t recall another time. Finally, they were almost there & I walk the extra block to the restaurant to at least start in on some wine. We had some great laughs, myself � a few glasses of wine & once sexyatheist showed up we all ordered something. By that time we were more full on wine & conversation so we ate rather lightly. I carpooled w/ sexyatheist down to the club, we fed [or rather she did I offered but she took care of it] a homeless man, I got a freebie bracelet from my street fender admirer & then we finally got inside. Of course as before when I took only sexyatheist the club was rather sparse even though they had opened the door to the adjoining club next door for an even bigger event. I guess a lot of people did go out of town for the holiday & apparently no one came into LA & the OC to vaca. Anyways, a couple drinks, some dancing, I even met a cute girl & got her number thus making me miss a rather enticing opportunity I never knew was on the plate � dammit had I only known. Ooh well maybe there will be a next time. Well we left the club around 1ish from what I remember & we each headed our separate ways. [/Friday night]

Saturday: I had the bridal shower thing to go to & it wasn�t too bad. I realized that I knew absolutely nothing about what a wedding entails & the superstitions about opening presents etc. I guess however many ribbons you break are how many kids you will have? Huh, I was an oddball in the crowd & made a few people laugh although I admit I had to have a few glasses of chardonnay to make it all the way through. I love my Salgal & while I felt bad for not having brought a gift it turned out to be a good thing. She said she is relying on me for the �girl stuff� E.g.: lingerie, toys etc. That made me feel good. She has always come to me for her love/sex advice & questions sometimes I feel as if I were a specialist in gynecology � but I doubt it was my few years as a lesbian that qualifies me; I just know what I know call it a gift. So anyways, afterwards I headed home so close to just taking a nap but game 3 of the Stanley cup was on & I had to watch the Flames win. I was quite surprised when GE called me for directions to Cheers. I had invited them all down after their dinner w/ daath but I honestly didn�t think that they would. I am really glad though. I got really nervous when they first arrived, my song [which I was so excited to sing for J since we had talked about it at the first dland dinner] was being pushed back just until they arrived & so as they walked in the door I was waiting the first beat. Can you believe I got stage fright? My whole body started to shake like when I was little & had never performed in front of thousands of people before; I couldn�t seem to control my voice at all! I was so disappointed & embarrassed. Thankfully by my next song [alone by heart] I had a drink down & working on the second so I had calmed down a bit. The rest of the night was so much fun. daath scared us to death by getting lost with my [what I thought] foolproof directions [guess I�ll have to come up with better ones] so he was late by an hour but once he showed up it was a party. I really wish J lived here. We had so much fun together! She is such a doll & every bit as she is on her diary, wild & crazy, carefree woman! We spent the entire night at Cheers even hung out in front of the bar for a while as it was closing so we all could sober up. I swear had we gone to Denny�s it would have been official - they would have been inducted into the Cheers family.

I am going to leave this for now. I�ll finish the second half of the weekend later. Stay tuned for parte deux!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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