l Wake me up before you go-go, no wait please don't l

| June 03, 2004 || 10:26 a.m. |

Today�s Scope This is actually pretty damn scary: Someone who's traveled quite some distance to indulge in the pleasure of your feisty companionship is about to make their presence known. Ready or not ... I cannot forget the MSN scope that seems to go right along with it: The day ahead is likely to be confrontational. On one hand, the latest developments in your career have offered you so little encouragement that you're tempted to cut back on your efforts. On the other hand, your financial situation is forcing you to try even harder, dear Libra. The flashes of insight you gain today are only likely to increase your discomfort, but in the end provide some valuable information.

Talk about a rough night last night. I went to Cheers [alone] but that was the fun part, I ended up at S�s house which is never bad but the phone call & text messages that came while we were fast asleep at 1:30 am wasn�t so pleasant, actually woke us both up & we ended up not being able to fall back asleep so we talked for the next two hours; which all in all that wasn�t bad either. I think we actually had some great serious [semi] conversations. Finally around 3:30ish I shut up long enough for him to fall asleep but my brain was still working over time thinking about those text messages & what that voice mail could have said � I didn�t fall asleep until after 4 so it was difficult waking up this morning, especially when I go for my usual morning goodbye � love you kiss & he pulls me down into his arms & goes back to sleep. I didn�t want to leave him like that; I didn�t want to leave period. Why couldn�t it be a Saturday?

I have just found my 2nd silver hair in the past month! This time I left it in; it was only a short baby hair so I thought I�d let it thrive a little beside I have a hair appointment today after work. I got a special deal for a free designer personalized cut with a colour job including highlights. I don�t want Gustavo to do anything crazy with my hair as I really only wanted a trim but I guess we will have a little talk once I get there. Of course I will post a pic of the new do so you all can see how truly stunningly beautiful I really am [just kidding]. I don�t know if it will show up so well but here is the pic of my silver hair, I tried my best to point it out for you all.

Celebrity poker is on tonight! And I am going to add more to this later, I�m so tired & have a lot to do here � I should at least start doing something before the President comes in.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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