l Here we go again... l

| June 08, 2004 || 10:12 a.m. |

Thanks you guys for all the comments & tags yesterday. It really made everything a whole lot easier.

Today�s scope~ Someone else keeps finishing your sentences. Your connection is closer than ever. You're somewhere in the rose-colored zone where love, lust and artistic appreciation blissfully collide. This might not be about romance at all, but about the strange paradox of living in the moment while planning for the next century. You want all this and more. You can handle anything when your appetite is this huge. How realistic are you when it comes to separating short-term gains from long-term goals? You're ever so pleased to make promises when anything is possible.

I have to move again. I need to be out of my current house no later then the 7th of July from what the letter stated. I guess she didn�t like me moving the cat box & food out of my room so her cats couldn�t piss on my bed anymore. Sorry but having to wash my bed sheets three times in one week is ridiculous. I had been thinking about moving just for that reason but I wasn�t hoping so soon. I was thinking once S�s lease thing was up but now I have to move regardless & it looks like I will be moving again on my own. I hate having to move dammit.

I am just so tempted to move the hell out of here now, go somewhere, anywhere. I am not in a good mood today now. This is not good. Thankfully I am going to the gym after work so I can get rid of some of this tension. Fucking "A" I need sex, I didn�t even get any last night & his mom will be here tomorrow. It�s turning into a long week. What really sucks is I don�t want another male roommate; hell I don�t want a roommate at all! If I have to move I�d rather a] get a place by myself or b] get a place with S but that is not going to happen this early. He can�t move this early & I wouldn�t want to move back into his place again even if it were only for a month or so. I doubt he would even suggest that. Actually whom am I kidding if he suggested it then of course I would move in but only for a month until he could move & we could find a place together. It�s the cat situation that makes me think he wouldn�t suggest it though, even if his mom will be back home by then. Who the fuck knows, I need a hug & some snuggling time. I need some love.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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