l Rock me Amadeus l

| June 09, 2004 || 12:12 p.m. |

Today�s Scopes~ After a bit of turbulence this morning, you'll settle into a nice, easy flight path -- and you may be accompanied on your journey. Buckle up! Don't get upset if things don't quite go your way. You're still the suave, sociable person you were yesterday, but the people you're trying to reach have a lot on their minds.

I actually went out last night to sing. It turns out Kelly�s, which is a block from Cheers [Kelly�s is a huge pool hall S & I used to go & play pool], has karaoke on Tuesday night & it is the same KJ�s that are at Cheers on Saturdays. I had a lot of fun & in fact got a couple of guys [and their girl friend that was snorting coke in the only stall available] to come to Cheers tonight for more fun! I only wish Kelly�s had a real dance floor. It�s difficult to cut a rug when dancing on a real rug. I didn�t stay out too late since they stop karaoke at 11:30, which is nice for a work night I am forced to go home. I think I am going to start making that part of my regular weekly things like Cheers. Not too many people actually get up and sing so it makes for a nice night for me!

Did I mention I bought the book that we will be using for the Traveling journal? Well that will start circulating soon. Please do go & check out the site, tell me what you think. It is my first attempt at a web-blog style site. Also for those interested in joining still don�t forget to email me. I wanted to make the site public so anyone can write in but for some reason that part of diaryland has been under revision or something for a long time.

The President of the company came in a little while ago & took our VP out to shop for our new office furniture. The marketing man just freaked me out informing that he came with 2-3 checks in hand. Checks & a visit from the Pres is not a good sign; that means 2-3 people are possibly being let go. Please don�t let it be me. I can�t lose my job right as I am trying to find a place to live that would sink me for sure. On a positive note: I did go to the gym last night after work even though I was so tempted to just go home & nap. I worked out & did more than I have in a long time, man am I feeling it today. I did a lot of back & shoulder stuff [trying for that sexy back & nicely defined arms]. I could really use another massage right about now.

On the karaoke front. I talked to my Wed. KJ & pretty much handed it to her. Which sucks. She asked if this was gig for her or me & I said her since I didn�t have the equipment. See I feel bad renting her equip since she only has two stable gigs & no other job. I do think that I should receive a finder�s fee or something for setting up the entire thing but I doubt she would see it like that. I Just got off the phone with her now & she sounds as if I am annoying her or something. Hey just because you were star search doesn�t give you the right to whatever. She is an amazing singer, she really is but an attitude is not appreciated when I�ve done something so generous. I could have easily bought one of those magic mic things & did it my damn self. Those are a lot cheaper & don�t have any bulky equipment to lug around but no I didn�t, I was nice. Okay back work. I am so damn hungry today for some reason.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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