l My hair smells nice today l

| June 10, 2004 || 11:02 a.m. |

Today�s Scope~There's more than a touch of romance in the air -- and you'll be the happy recipient of a great big dollop. Keep your wits about you as much as possible.

I very well may have to start considering finding a good home for Torin. It breaks my heart to even think about it but my mom brought up a good point [well she�s been saying it all along], I should think about what is best for him rather then being selfish & putting him through all that he has been through & more. He has been through a lot & I am hardly even home so he is locked out of my room to live with 5 other cats that beat him up & gets no attention as no one else it there either. He�s been bounced around for 4 months when I lived with Suisse last summer. Not too mention it is extremely difficult to find housing when you have a cat. If I had a place of my own & was in a stable environment it would be different but I�ve moved 5times in the past year alone & that is not fair to him. I�m so torn and my heart is breaking.

My chest & lungs feel extremely heavy today as if I have smoked an entire pack of cigarettes in one sitting but the thing is I haven�t even had one cig since J came out to Cheers with GE that one Saturday night a couple weeks ago. I swear I am falling apart at the seams. I tried for the life of me to take a nap once I got home but just couldn�t fall asleep then I swore that I would not stay out late at Cheers but what happened? I didn�t leave until after 1 am. There are two Jewish women that were there a week ago & they came back. One is underage [sssh] and a kindergarden teacher as well as a stand up comedian at the Improve. Her & I really hit it off. She had said she was 22 but when we went to the bathroom to chat she slipped by saying her sister was 4 yrs older and 24. I didn�t say anything just smiled. I once was her but I never slipped up & never even really had to lie. We exchanged numbers & hopefully are going to hang out a little more.

Damn I am too tired to write anymore & I have to get back to work.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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