l Is this thing really working correctly today? l

| June 14, 2004 || 1:34 p.m. |

Today�s ScopeDon't be afraid to get into the really deep issues. If you don't bring it up, you'll spend the entire day -- and maybe even worse, the evening -- avoiding it.

Weekly romance scope If there's a lot going on in the realm of romance this week; you're just the person to handle it all with gorgeous aplomb. The coupled up might be walking the fine line between lovey-dovey and attached at the hip; some intensive one-on-one time intermingled with solo stuff should do the trick. Singles may be reevaluating something (or someone!) -- take your sweet time. You'll have a way with words Wednesday through Friday in case you need to share something. Stick with your regular routine on the weekend; there'll be plenty of time for something (or, again, someone!) new next week.

I am going to have a lot of time alone this week, in fact those days of Wednesday � Friday that my horoscope said I have my way with words � S is taking his mom to SD for a few days to have fun at all the parks etc so I won�t even be able to see them until they return Friday night. I don�t mind at all. I know they need their mother-son time alone & with my mom being my best friend I can honestly say I can more then respect that.

I had a pretty great weekend aside from the 6+ hours I spent on the freeway yesterday. I went to Santa Barbara as I mentioned before for Jennifer Terran�s baby shower & brought daath along for him to photograph the painted caves. Well his car overheated half way up the mountain & I was all ready almost an hour late for a shower that was scheduled to last only two. The only thing I could do was take him with me so he could mosey around the mountains there for pictures to take while I finished up & then take him to get anti-freeze etc & take care of his car. Well there wasn�t much around to take pics of so he ended up down stairs on the outside patio while we girls did the baby, emotional shower thing until 3:30. I felt so bad about him having to be stuck alone but that was the only thing I could do since he did not know how to drive stick. Okay so after we got the stuff I hung around until he found the leak & filled it with coolant � we had forgot the duct tape so after he followed me to the freeway I hope he made it safely home. I know we both got stuck in mad traffic making a two-hour trip turn into 4 for me. Once I got home to my baby everything was perfect though

Sorry this update is going to be so short. I want you all to go say hi to my IRL cousin Jayna over at her new diaryland site courtesy of moi! She is hockeytwins, I thought it would be fun for her to document the pregnancy of her first pregnancy with twins. I am working with her to teach her some of the basic html stuff. It�s strange to think I was learning all of this stuff on my own over three years ago.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011