l Yahoo had to go & redesign my inbox damn them! l

| June 15, 2004 || 12:26 p.m. |

Today�s scope~ Don't avoid the issue. Face it and get it over with. The good news is that it's going to turn out much better than you'd imagined. Amazingly better. Who knew that patience could be so sexy? Everyone here is on pins and needles waiting to see what you'll do next, and you're savoring the long, drawn-out approach. They should understand that you're not teasing them. When you're ready to attract some answers or action, you'll be a magnetic force. All good things gravitate in your direction, if not now then soon enough. You'd rather hold onto your power than use it. That's what feels natural for you. If this also makes you popular, you'll take it as one more sign that you're on the right path.

I spent the evening hanging out with my friend Tracey, remember her? She just moved a while ago into some beautiful apartments I had looked at a couple years ago. They are so gorgeous but a little ways in the back towards the mountains so it is a little drive to work & all the places I normally hang out. I had my monthly doc appointment to get a refill on my prescription but no one was there. Thankfully she had written me a 3-month script in the beginning so I have a few months to hang on to & fill before I reschedule. While I was hanging out at the local Sav-On S called on his way to pick up his mom at the fam friends house. I figured they�d be there a while possibly for dinner so that is why I went to Tracey�s. I miss hanging out with her, we drove down the hill for a bottle of wine & just sat on her patio & polished off the best $1.99 White Zinfandel sold outside of Trader Joe�s. They got home a little before 9 & he invited me over for his mom�s hazelnut pie � I can�t remember what it is called en Fran�ais mais c�est si bonne!!!

After messing around w/ my cousin�s I�ve got the bug to re design mine again only I don�t know what to do with it. Any suggestions? I�m really bored today & for no reason, there is so much work I could do if only I wanted to do it. I just woke up way too tired to give a shit that�s all. Dammit I can� think of anything to say or write & I really want something else� One thing I need to try to focus on is my creative writing over at my poems site. It�s been a loooong time since I�ve written a poem & the beloved candoor reminded me in a note how much he missed my writing. I do too!!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011