l Finally my website is coming together!! l

| June 16, 2004 || 12:31 p.m. |

Today�s scopeReady for some peace and quiet, after the excitement of the past few days? Too bad, it ain't happenin' -- not yet, anyway. Champagne, however, may be in order.

My Jaxie is finally completing my website!! You have to go sign up on my forum board & then check out my shop. That girl is an absolute genius! I am so excited that it is finally up & running now too! Well the last of the kinks or edits are being edited right now so it�s just about 100%. Can you tell how excited I am? Now for anyone of my readers & friends etc. you can now own & wear a piece of me!

My baby & his mom left this morning for SD. I ended up being late to work cause I didn�t want to leave him & he kept putting his arm around me being all cuddly. I emailed him that apartment yesterday & I wanted to just come out & say that I really wanted us to move in together but I couldn�t quite get it out of my mouth. It�s kind of difficult to broach serious topics with his mom here only because we don�t have any real alone time until we go to bed & like last night he just fell asleep when I was trying my best to talk.

I placed an ad to try to find my precious baby Torin a home. I guess in a way I kind of figure since I am finding him a home there is really no reason that S & I shouldn�t move in together since that was the biggest issue he had with the idea. I�m still not that thrilled about the idea of not having my baby boy with me anymore but I have to keep reminding myself that it is the best thing for him & I can�t keep being so damn selfish about it.

I mentioned my appointment was a no show on Monday right? Well I guess I had the wrong day in my book & even after she rescheduled me for Friday she called today telling me that she had the appt down for today at 5:15 and not Monday as I had in my calendar. I need to make sure that I am writing things down right cause if I don�t it is just lost. Take my best friend Tina from AK for example. I�ve known her since 6th grade & I know her almost 8 yr old daughters b-day but am not completely sure about hers which is only a couple days later � a week at the most. I�m a horrible friend I know.

I have so much I want to do today but just am [again] not motivated in the slightest. I think I will try to write some poetry. I need to tap into this emotional reserve hidden somewhere in my tiny chest. So for now I will leave you with a couple pics I shot of my precious Torin this morning.

and here are a couple pics from last weekend at the Aquarium. I love seals, otters, sea lions etc!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011