l Down to the premature wire l

| June 28, 2004 || 11:28 a.m. |

Today�s Scope~ Money is definitely a concern. But today's issues go deeper than your wallet. Everyone -- your partner included -- will be operating on a more intense frequency than they usually are. The good news is that they'll finally be on your frequency.

weekly romance scopeYou may be wrapped up in some work- or money-oriented matter at the week's outset; puzzle it out and get ready for love to come a-knocking on Wednesday or Thursday. There'll be something new to explore, whether it's with someone new or your dear old squeeze. You'll be a smooth operator in the communication department, and the responses you get will be fabulous. Look out for a bump on Friday or Saturday; some kind of old issue may reemerge in a somewhat unpleasant way. Revisit it, then set it aside, because Sunday and early next week are looking good for romance!

Friday was a lot of walking yet also a lot of fun. The Mummy Returns ride though was so not worth the two [2] hour wait we endured for the 4 seconds. I do not recommend waiting more then 10 minutes if that for it but it�s your call. Okay so Thursday I shot off an email to S about how I feel regarding moving [us moving in together] & after waiting all day here at work constantly checking & rechecking waiting a response he called at 4:30 to ask me a question. I asked him in return if he had received the email & he simply said that he hadn�t checked his email that day. I got all frustrated & thought that he had but chose to ignore it but later that night I found out that he spent the entire day with his mom at the beach & never went to work so he in fact hadn�t read it leaving me a little more frustrated cause I knew what was out there. I kept trying to get him to check but he never did, he just kept asking me what it was about. I just could never spit it out.

While S went to work for a couple hours Saturday morning I took his mom to the beach and nearly drown. I tried diving under a huge wave but I guess I didn�t dive far enough as I began that under water tumbling nearly losing the bottoms of my �kini. S brought us a picnic lunch after he was finished at work then we just hung out having fun in the sun. It�s been a long time since I�ve been to the beach & I have a nice little tan to show for it.

Sunday we went back to the beach but it was really yucky & windy not to mention I had to head to Red�s for the surprise birthday bash two hours later. That was fun but I started not feeling too well & left after a few hours. Between the beach & the party I stopped by to see a house/room for rent. It was gorgeous & huge! A pool, hot tub, pool table & a nice big kitchen; I got along great with the owner, in fact I was there for two hours making me late for the party anyways. Now the situation is this, the owner needs to make a decision today as to whom he is offering the room to. Apparently the girl who came by last night really wants it & even offered $650 not to mention she does not have a cat. That was the only thing keeping him from offering it to me right then and there even while I told him I was finding him a home. I had hoped to at least have until Wednesday to be able to talk to S about the situation but now I don�t. I have to let this guy know as soon as possible if Torin has a home. There is one woman that wants to give him a home but she & I can�t seem to schedule a day for me to bring him all the way out to Westwood, okay I know I shouldn�t be the one having to drive all that way but it�s come down to that. I guess she is only available early mornings during the week & me weekends; however I have this coming Monday off for the 4th holiday & just sent her an email asking if that would work. If not I don�t know what I am going to do. The clock is officially ticking.

Damn girl gave owner til 11:30 to make his decision. I'd hate for him to say no & pick me then have S make the decision that we are to move in together leaving me having to go back on my decision with the owner. But I really want of course to live with S. I hate pressure.

[EDIT] I neglected to mention an important thing from this weekend [probably cause I choose to ignore it or at least try not to let it worry me], my Dad called on Sunday morning to inform me of his Friday hospitization due to chest pains. They did a stress test but it was more less inconclusive so they scheduled it for today. He is supposed to call me when he gets the results so I am in the know but I am both scared and nervous. I was almost mad that he had to call & tell me - selfish I know but I think it is only because I am such a big Daddy's girl & I hate to think about bad health problems since my Mom's breast cancer diagnosis this time last year. Please g** let my Daddy be all right. [/EDIT]

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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