l Holding out for a hero l

| July 02, 2004 || 10:04 a.m. |

I managed to move over a nice carload last night. The owner helped out unloading my car but it was literally the least he could do. He grabbed all of my smallest stuff to move & left me with all the heavy stuff. I told him he didn�t have to so I guess he felt that meant he didn�t have to do much. I am grateful all the same cause it was getting really late I still hadn�t eaten dinner & Celebrity Poker was getting ready for start without me being at my baby�s!! The room was a little less than clean too. The window & blinds are completely covered with dust & cobb webs not to mention the carpet needs to be vacuumed really well & the edges too. I don�t like moving into a dirty room but if they don�t clean it more before I finish moving in then I guess I have to. Another thing that sucks that I just realized� I don�t have enough $$ in this paycheck to get me through until my next check o the 16th. If it wasn�t for the insurance payment I had to make I�d be okay & in the same state of brokenness until then but with that check out there & the loan check [payday loans] that I had to do two weeks ago even with emptying my savings over that payday loan check won�t go through without putting me in the red. Maybe I can borrow a hundred bucks from my supervisor so the check can clear & I can repay him with getting out another payday loan. I hate doing that damn thing but I just haven�t been able to get in as much OT as I was before so this paycheck was a lot shorter then the others.

Okay so I slept through my cell phone alarm & woke up next to Suisse when his went off. I was late all ready. I hate leaving him in the morning, especially on those mornings when he reaches for me & wants to be all cuddly. Well this morning once I jumped out of bed I then found a huge black spider crawling on the bed. I came to Suisse rescue & nabbed it then crawled on top of him saying that I was his hero, I was a spider, spider monkey that is. [Have I told you all that he calls me his monkey? Okay so yeah he does.] "Phew, good. Those are nice." Well only for you" as I leaned into his neck for mucho kisses. I then crept down to sniff his armpit. He smells good okay. When he pulled away or put his arm down like he always does I pouted and said "but monkeys like that smell" which just made him giggle.

okay so now here I am at work so incredibly tired but I can look forward to Suisse getting off of work early so he can finish his laundry before I get off of work that way he can help me move. Now that is an improvement in our relationship� he is actually helping me move! It�s a miracle!!

I don�t want him to be gone the next couple days but what can I do? He all ready committed to that casino comedy thing with the fam friend a while back & he did say that he would be back on Sunday but just not in the morning. I need to buy a damn bike so him & I can go riding. Like that is going to happen anytime soon though. Blah. I need a new job dammit.

Today�s Scope~ Fasten your seat belt ... well, you know the rest. Hang on! An impromptu fun-in-the-sun adventure with a dear one wouldn't be a bad idea now, so why fight it? You definitely have a few hours in the bank -- use them!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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