l Happy Independence Day l

| July 04, 2004 || 5:22 p.m. |

I've spent the past two days drinking & now I am so incredibly sick. Suisse hasn't called me yet so that means he hasn't gotten back from the beach casino weekend with the fam friend. dammit. Every three day weekend. I swear. I can't really get mad but I miss him!!

My room is coming together & I think with a little S help I can get the rest of everything in one load. My old roommate asked me if I would consider leaving Torin there. In a way I would really rather not but then again I still hadn't found him a home so why not? At least then I know where he is & that he will be getting a lot of attention & there are the other 5 cats there - even though I hate Meeko - the shit cat.

Man, my head hurts. The one thing I can say that is good about today is the house is empty. No one else is here. I like that. I really am not in the mood to socialize with the owner. Damn he is a white version of the old arse roommate from back around the holidays. He constantly wants to talk & hang out. I was looking for a room to rent not trying to find a new best friend or even a friend period.

I want Suisse to come over so I can finally christen this damn bed. My poor new bed, well relatively new bed. My first night here I went out with the comedian to the tavern & I wouldn't let her drive home so she was the very first person to sleep in my bed with me. My bed had never even known another sleeper let alone know any fun. Speaking of beds... I think I need to take a nap. I don't feel so good.

[Edit] I took a nice two hour nap & even though I added a few comments below to kind of update I decided that my monthly July Romance Scope was well worth posting. In this time of solitude I take great comfort in the stars.

On the 1st and 2nd you'll do anything for love, but don't go overboard, or there could be consequences. If you can't draw back and find balance, other areas of your life may unbalance on the 3rd and 4th. From the 5th to 9th your lover is always with you, while friends can't keep up. The 10th and 11th should be honeymoon days -- there's no way you can function in normal society. Friday the 13th, you and your sweetie pie are still in lovey-dovey mode. It's prime time for relationships between the 15th and 25th. Background love songs grow louder. Even if you and your significant other are apart, thinking about him or her makes you all warm and gooey inside. Around the 20th your intense romantic feelings from earlier in the month integrate with your world. Casual flings turn delightfully serious on the 23rd. By the 26th you might already be planning weddings or families. The weekend of the 28th puts you back in touch with fun. Never forget how it all began.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011