l I think they are getting rid of my Jamie on star987.com [morning radio show online now] l

| July 09, 2004 || 9:20 a.m. |

My ass hurts; actually it�s my thass [the area between the thighs and ass]. I did the reaction cycling class last night & I don�t believe I have sweat so much in my life�well okay I sweat quite a bit later last night too but I won�t go into that one. My ass is nice, a true bubbles booty thanks to my Dad but I need to get her in shape. I mean she is not near quarter bouncing yet. If I do some more cycling & work my way up to more of the standing position [that just kills me] then my booty will firm up.

We talked a lot last night about life here in California & how we both are just ready for toss in the towel & move. I can see his brain working, spinning its wheels. I don�t know what is exactly going on in there but he is becoming more verbal about what he wants & what he is considering. I call that progress. He started admiring my feet last night too, asking me why mine look are nice & perfect. I�ve offered to give him pedicures many times & every time he has refused but last night he was practically begging me to run home & grab whatever it was I needed to do one. I told him that if he let me I�d take good care of him; I don�t think he really understood exactly what I meant but he said, �go ahead�.

I can�t believe I am sitting on a donut. Well it technically is one of those neck pillows to be able to sleep in a car or in flight but I put it under my toosh so I wasn�t sitting directly on those painful sit bones. He made a really interesting point last night. I was complaining about not being able to afford a bicycle right now & then he said Ooh you are only saying that cause I have two & you none. I had completely forgot that he had the non-PT beach cruiser bike. Brat, that isn�t what I had been getting at but now that I realize that it sucks for me even more.

I�m really scatter brained today so forgive my randomness.

He talked last night of putting everything into storage & then living kind of like a nomad � camp for a week, stay the weekend at a friends, rent a room in a hotel for a week & when he got bored of that after a couple months find a apartment or house to live in again, so he would appreciate it more & it would be an adventure. I wonder about that man sometimes, he is so strange but he is my strange monkey & I love him. If he wanted I�d live however he wanted, wherever he wanted.

Today�s going to be pretty damn slow here at work, but I am pretty excited that we get PF Changs for lunch compliments of Reuben leaving us � we no have to pay & then I get to pick up a birthday cake for Kanika � which her last day is next week. Man in the next couple of weeks I am going to need to be taking all of those reaction cycling classes, I just hope my butt stops hurting after a while. Suisse said once I get used to that class then we will talk more about taking biking trips, other then just cruising the beach. If I were to go with them right now I�d be a major pain in the ass slow poke. Speaking of poke, we�ve both been dying to play some poker; with all of these Celebrity poker shows & the World Series of Poker on TV we�re jonesin! Texas hold �em here we come. I hope I get to play with his money� I�m way too broke.

Today�s scope~ Go only where you need to go. The side trip that seems like such a good idea will just get longer and longer. As it is, you have enough on your plate. Enjoy what's here before taking more of it. Strike a balance between your needs and those of your sweetie, best friend, roommate or furry companion. If you can make everybody happy, then you'll come out ahead. Today is all about compromise, and you're the star diplomat. If you can negotiate a truce between your needs and those of your partner, you'll find paradise. A personal relationship undergoes a detailed examination. Your own goals and expectations may be quite different from those of the other party, but everyone will come to a mutually beneficial decision. Everything could be reevaluated, but your best bet is to start with one thing at a time. Compromise is the quickest way to a solution, either by demanding one or giving in to one. A precarious situation's outcome is in your hands; the result is what you make of it. An important one-on-one relationship becomes solidified.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011