l They call me Momo l

| July 11, 2004 || 4:04 p.m. |

My bathroom mate is not only an alcoholic but a klepto too. My pink shoes are gone, my mascara disappeared too but that has since 'materialized' back in the bathroom. I talked to the other girl and apparently she has had stuff missing too - a pair of Oakleys and a nice watch. It really sucks to feel as if I have to keep all of my stuff locked up here but if that is what I have to do then so be it. At least until I find a new place to live again.

Dammit. I hate moving. My room is the smallest one here & I get absolutely no air circulation at all. I am completely stuffed & hot but it beats being downstairs with them. I have built up a nice tan though. I spent all of Saturday laying in the hot tub & floating around topless on a pool mat. That is the one and only perk about living here & that is only when the owner is gone. There is no way in hell I'd go topless with him here though. He's too much of a freak.

I don't want to go to work at all this coming week, it sucks ass but one must do what one has to do to survive here in southern ca.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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