l 2 Cups o' Coffee & still no wakie wakie l

| July 13, 2004 || 11:22 a.m. |

I am so bad at making decisions. There is this bike and then there is this bike. Both are beautiful & both are available at anytime. I opted to not rebid for the bike in SD although I kind of am kicking myself in the arse cause I think I like that pink one better then the first pink on I linked above. I feel like shopping so much right now, which is not a great idea. I now found seat covers � which one do you like better? Pink or Blue? Both are my favorite colours. Keep in mind that my car [Echo] is Silver & my future car [MINI] will also be Silver [Dark or regular]. Damn forget all of the above I want THIS ONE!! gawd dammit why does it have to be nearly $300 bucks??

The Pres just got here, I hate trying to sneak finish an update when he is here. I�m not supposed to be on the Internet at all. Sheesh. Ooh did y�all read my edit yesterday about Suisse & his poor PT? Well his bad day pissed him off so much that he didn�t want to do anything so I went to yoga & then home for the night. I did chat with him on msn as well did I get to chat up with my BG whom I miss all the time. The time difference between here & Norway is just hard to schedule chats around. Wanna hear something funny? granolaspice and I just discovered that we know the same person. This hot guy that I went to High School with on Whidbey Island she actually went to college with. Wow, small world. Damn that man is hot. I had one big ass crush on that one. I had him in my freshman body building class, he had a nice body too� memories.

I had a lot of crushes though throughout my life & I am even sad to say at one point in my youth [very young mind you � like 6], I even had a crush on� can�t believe I am going to type this online� Danny DeVito. Okay now I am thoroughly embarrassed. I have much better taste in men now a day I swear. I think it was cause I found him funny. I do still have a HUGE crush on Robin Williams even though he is really hairy; humour by far beats hair. Hell the love of my life is hairy, my hair little bear.

I had a great night with yoga, I want to do the cycling class tonight but we�re doing dinner tonight since he was too mad & stuff yesterday. At least we better do it tonight. You all will be the first to know what happens though. [Big grin]

On a work note: since the pres is here they are discussing hiring me an assistant which means promotion & raise pour moi! At least that is what our VP said; he tends to tell me shit just to pacify me though so it remains to be seen. If they do discuss it then he said they would pull my boss & I in to talk about what as decided. Cross your fingers for me cause I really want the opportunity to tell the pres everything I�ve told our VP & my boss. I need to tell it like it is yo. Omg I can�t believe I wrote yo.

I guess some drama went on at the house after I left Sunday night. Just to show you all how much of a freak the owner is. My bathroom mate hooked up with the downstairs roommates boss�s friend in the pool [the girls were going topless without me] and the owner got pissed and called her a �stupid bitch�. Well Arlene [downstairs roommate] heard him & told him to shut up, he had no right to say that etc. Well after that he started acting like a 3 r old rather than 30 like he is. At 1:30A until well after 2A he started vacuuming, doing laundry & turned on the A/C � all outside her door downstairs then started slamming doors, cabinets & blaring his music. Of course she came out of her room & yelled at him. So the next morning he gave her a 30-day notice to be out. Just when her & I had secretly decided to save up money & get our own place together. I can�t give my 30 days until after she leaves so that sucks. But I think she is going to stay at her boss�s until then. We�ll have to see. But in the mean time I am going to move down into her room once she is gone. She has the biggest room outside of the master plus she has her own bathroom. So since I am paying the most, while I am still there I am taking her room. I think I can hang for a little while but I almost wish I had been there when he acted a fool so I could have gone off on him too. I do not tolerate childish, disrespectful behavior very well, especially when I have to wake up so damn early. That fucker doesn�t work at all & has some joint checking account with him mom [whom is in town this week]. I think there is something Norman Bates like about their relationship. It�s just creepy.

Speaking of Mom�s, mine will be flying in this coming Sunday for a week! I can�t wait. I miss her so much! It sucks she has to work during the week part but then again so do I so it�s not like we can get together anyways during the day. But she will be staying until the following Sunday so that gives us lots of time to hang out.

Today�s scope~ This is your kind of day -- no doubt about it. You may just bump into someone who's actually a mental equal for you, oddly enough, under equally odd circumstances. Ready? You're of two minds about an important relationship issue, and sweetie isn't helping by throwing random ideas and conflicting details into the mix. But soon you'll come to a deeper understanding and the way will be clear.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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