l It's a dead mans party, who can ask for more? l

| July 15, 2004 || 12:30 p.m. |

Okay so now I have a dilemma; it seemed to be a tie when it came between decided on the two bikes. Betty or June, dammit I hate being a Libra when it comes to making decisions.

I didn�t go to Cheers last night, rather I spent the evening with Suisse just being together. He�s been really tired these days, even more so then normal. I think work is really getting to him again. It�s hard to say though.

I decided to google myself to find the oldest templates that I first used and came across a link posted to some fazed.net site where some guy with the screen name bosscain posted a pic from my site. This disturbs me, as my permission was never requested to do this. I feel a little violated but then again I put my pics here on the world wide web so I guess anyone can eventually come across them and possibly saved on some freaks computer. It�s a pic of my toes in case you don�t click it. I also discovered that there is a livejournal with the screen name neangel, apparently a Russian individual, I am assuming because I found a lot of Russian [I think it is Russian] site that contain my screen name but not pertaining to me� I hope. It�s kind of interesting surfing all the sites that have used my sn. Go try it & let me know what the weirdest link you find is. OMG I think this one takes first place right now.

Both bosses are behind closed doors right now. I think they are discussing me & the hiring of another person to take over the little admin stuff I do that way I can get that office manager position & my own damn office. I hope that is what�s on the table anyways.

I just got a craving for Hometown buffet. Tonight is celebrity poker on TV, which surprisingly he has kind of lost interest in since the first season ended. It just doesn�t seem as funny or whatever now. I would either like to make dinner for us tonight or go out. All I had last night was a tomato & grilled cheese sandwich [I make the best grillas btw]. Man now I�m even hungrier but I can wait until lunch.

Jennifer Terran�s water had broken on Friday, July 10th & she began labor Monday night. I received this bit of news today from Landon�s mum:

Jennifer and Landon's beautiful baby girl was born at home at 12:11 a.m. Wednesday, July 14. Baby (they are still looking for just the right name) was having some difficulty breathing, so she was taken to Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara where she is doing better and better all the time. She is breathing well without extra oxygen, but she needs to remain in the hospital for a bit longer before she's ready to go home. The proud parents are doing well.

Jennifer arranged a web site where people could sign up to come visit them and maybe bring them some food, but that was before they knew baby would be in the hospital, and they would be spending all their time there too. So for now, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to respond to this email, and I'll do my best to keep you informed.

As soon as I find out what the website is that they arranged I will set up a link.

Today�s scopes~ Your couch is too big for one. Find someone else to share it with. The buffet of astrological energies currently on duty is why even the most steadfast amongst you can stray a bit. Remember that, if you're feeling especially vulnerable. The two of you have been spending more time talking lately, and it's time to take it deeper. Bring up your innermost feelings about the way things are going and where you want to be. It's scary, but only at first. Right now, you are the ultimate social creature. You find that you have a knack for conversing with anyone and that most places fit your mood. Your cup overflows in your attempts to help others fill theirs. Anything that you spill serves to satiate a thirst deep within you. Not a drop is wasted and your efforts are much appreciated. All the best parts of your identity float freely to the surface for everyone to see. It makes for a fantastic way to relax and spend the day.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011