l Now I've found myself so far down... l

| July 29, 2004 || 10:42 a.m. |

Phew I had a nice little scare last night. My period decided to switch days on me during a bad month. I missed my normal ring insertion day so they say to be protected for the next week; well of course I never mentioned it to him so we weren�t. But along came Ms. P this morning right after I got to work. Thankfully I had all ready placed the two emergency Kotex in the purse two nights ago in anticipation.

Have you all heard about the mystery animal that is being spotted in Maryland & Texas? After my reading & stuff I think it looks a lot like the Tasmanian wolf sans the zebra stripes of course. Interesting news lately, also I am so not into politics but what is with Ben Affleck all up in the Democratic scene? C�est �trange. I have to agree with some reporter that said he would be one hot president or political leader but would American citizens actually elect a former Bennifer? I don�t think I could. The only benefit to seeing him appointed is we all know he�s a poor actor so if while he was debating or speaking to the public we could tell straight off if he was lying or �acting�.

Here are a couple of things I am really excited about: American Idol has raised the age limited to 28 [I may have all ready announced this but it bares repeating]. I am planning on attenting both Vegas & San Francisco auditions just to increase my odds. The Second thing: Blue Collar TV!!! I loved the Blue Collar Comedy Tour that is on DVD. So I just have to watch it tonight! I am excited about the up coming Thursday night line up now! Blue Collar @ 8P & then Celebrity Poker at 9P! I am just not sure what to do once �Joey� starts to fill the old Friends 8P time slot. I want to watch it but I am unsure of how much sticktuitiveness it will have. I guess that is just something else to enjoy this Fall.

Today�s scopes~ You may start a discussion with a very matter-of-fact tone, but by the time you reach the punch line, you'll be half-smiling, as will they. Chat at will. You've been just a little too worried about your partner's feelings lately. Give yourself a vacation from stress and just be yourself. Expect encouraging results. Hanging out with coworkers brings a spirit of camaraderie to the workplace. Open your eyes to the people around you. People whose skills you have yet to experience surround you. The perfect connection happens as soon as you notice it. Be fair when discussing people's contributions to a current project. A surprising event opens the windows and sets everyone laughing. Your mind starts moving so fast that it may feel as though it had been standing still until now. Others notice the new way in which you choose to express yourself.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011