l Won't you be my neighbor? l

| August 05, 2004 || 1:41 p.m. |

I am actually kind of refreshed & excited today. I had a great nights sleep on Suisse�s new bed & we even broke her in! It is so soft! He bought a new comforter, sheets & even wants to get a new skirt for it! I went over to there from Tracey�s to make us ding ding but got too caught up with my AFCU packet that Suisse finished it for us. I felt bad a little cause he even did all the dishes afterwards.

Bill called & let me know that Nikki is all ready out, apparently they didn�t keep her the 5150 72-hours lock down. She was coming over w/ her mom to pick up some of her stuff. He�s having her move out & I guess she will be staying with her mom. I still think I want to move out though in October. I don�t know we�ll have to see how the rest of the month goes.

I got a nice, lovely surprise today from my dear BG!! I couldn�t believe it when the UPS guy came in saying he had a package for me! I always joke with him about that since everything is work related typically. I hurriedly opened the hefty box & to my surprise this is what I found!

I was so excited to just flip it open but I am at work so I did a quick glance & it opened directly on my birthday. There I discovered that one of my soul mates DOB was the same as Suisse! [US version since long/latitude is different here]. How wonderful is that? That entire surprise really made my day! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you BG!! She is the most wonderful friend a girl could have online. I seriously need to get my booty to Norway so we can party. I love that girl, I truly do!

I have to get my butt over to my house after work. I have been without my phone charger for two nights now & it�s suffering the poor thing. I also need some new clothes then do a load of laundry before heading back to Suisse�s [crossing my fingers, I still need to give him a pedicure � it�s the only way he�ll actually get one]. He sent me some pics from him Dad�s place on the Suisse Independence Day [August 1st] with his Dad�s sisters. It was so beautiful I told him "When do we get to go visit?" & he just responded a minute ago saying he wasn�t sure. I know it will be a while since it costs so much but I better get a damn passport soon just to have one. I think I maybe the last girl in the world to not have a passport. Well that�s an exaggeration but you know what I mean; it seems everyone I know has had one forever.

The guys just brought me back some Arby�s� Hmmm beef & cheddar! I think that Arby�s deserves the slogan "if it doesn�t get all over the place, it doesn�t belong in your face" that Carl�s Jr & [in the mid-west region] Hardee�s use. I�ve never had their food get all over the place but when you put a nice fat beef & cheddar in your mouth dripping with their special sauce & their red ranch sauce. Mmmm. I make the biggest damn mess. Has anyone noticed that the Arby�s sauce has gotten spicier & spicier over the years? We used to take little field trips from my hometown into Anchorage for museums, libraries etc & they would always park the bus near a couple different fast food joints [we didn�t have an Arby�s in the Valley where I lived]. I would always go with Arby�s or the Taco Bell. When I hit up the Arby�s I used to actually drink the sauce! I loved it! I still do but it�s gotten spicier; at least in my own opinion. Let me know what you all think on that subject if you would.

I have to point you all in the direction of Online Clarity.co.uk � I joined as a "friend" years ago. Off & on I�ve posted seeking help in many interpretations but recently I�ve been posting a lot more & creating friendships in the friends� area [go figure right?]. One particular individual emailed me to offer a personal chart that they would do for me to help me understand more about what the answers I�ve been getting can mean. I adore that site! Of course there are other greats site & books that can help in understanding your answers. What it looks like as of right now my life is headed in the best direction if I follow my heart & mind. I am going to be going where my warmth is needed. The Hex I received meant Family not necessarily stating that I would be having a family [although one individual suggested that someone special may propose or if that was possible & was could it also be possible I have a bun in the over � all of which I doubt]. It�s all about interpretation. I love how I can get many people interpretations there, some may not help me understand but then some may hit the nail right on the proverbial head. Anyways, I highly suggest it. You may always ask for my opinion/interpretation if choose.

Have I mentioned that Trace got my job? They are handing her the offer letter today in fact, she will be here as soon as she is off work. If she does in fact accept [which she will], they want her to start tomorrow & come by after work so I can begin training her for a smoother transition. I am so excited. Can you tell? I have a wonderfully great feeling about today. I just wanted to spread the love around with all of you! * kisses & hugs all around *

Today�s scope~ Here's another full day of passion, action and excitement. Oh, and the universe has also arranged for a fiery new admirer. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Bet you won't mind if your schedule is a bit disrupted. Your heart and mind are tied up and wrapped around your sweetie' little finger. Be happy about your closeness and make the most of the intimacy. Compromise doesn't mean you're a doormat. It's all about the give-and-take right now, and you can negotiate something for everyone if you want.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011