l First day at AFCU l

| August 16, 2004 || 11:04 a.m. |

Here I am at my new job. Unfortunately the boss man's wife had lost a brother while I was interviewing & now she just lost the other so he won't be in until Wednesday. I really need to talk to him about Labor day weekend. I need to try my hardest to get that Friday off.

Wanna hear an amazing breakthrough? Suisse got me roses! And he had bought like 3 bottles of wine to keep at the house just for me! What is even better then giving me roses or flowers period [after almost 18 mos. I finally get flowers!]they were miniature roses in a self watering pot. I think that means a lot more then cut flowers. Symbolically I think they represent the growth of our love, a future rather then something that fades after a week or even a few days.

I am way too excited about all of that. The day is going so well & I am so excited about all the possibilities that are now lain before me.

[edit]I can't access the internet so much today as it is closely monitored but I wanted to say thanks for the comments. Keep 'em coming! I love comments rather then the tag-board stuff. I hate having such short entries but it looks like that is all I will be able to do for a while. All next week I will be at their Corporate office in orientation & training so I definitely won't be able to update during the day there. It's also about an hour + commute [boo] but it has to be done!

Today's scope~ Fasten your seat belts, put your table tray in the upright position, and prepare for an extremely memorable day. If you were planning to spend it alone, better rethink that. Ah, well. It'll be a great chapter for your memoirs. [/edit]

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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