l Day 1 with the bossman l

| August 18, 2004 || 11:21 a.m. |

I made everyone egg muffin sandwiches; scrambled eggs with ham, cheddar & monterey cheese with green onions. It smells so good & the honey wheat english muffins are a perfect sandwiching bread! I am making everyone else eat before I do, it just my weird thing.

I became addicted to the Wheel of Fortune game on MSN last night. But for all those who intend to try it out: make sure you read the instructions before hand or else when you go to solve the time will run out & you lose. I haven't been able to figure out how to play with multiple characters yet so when I do I will invite anyone online at the time to join me.

The Bossman is here today & of course I am rushing to get here & end of leaving my cell phone, overnight bag with clothes at home plus I am 10 minutes late to work. How embarrassing. I've done so well my first two days & then get too nervous on my first day with him here. What sucks is all the dress code regulations, he doesn't care about when we are here but for the next two weeks I will be at the corporate office in training so I have to put bandaids over the two tats on my ankles & take out my nose ring. That is ontop of driving an hour commute if not more everyday for 10 days. Oy! At least they compensate me for the mileage.

The second week of my training is when Labor day weekend comes around no? So that Friday I have to work. Sandy here at work told me that all I have to do to leave early from there is tell them about some family emergency or doctor's appt. I might just have to if we end up all day there.

I'm going to end here for right now so I don't get caught, but check back later for an edit as there will definitely be one!

[/EDIT] I opened my very first account today!!! I did it practically all by myself. I started & did everything I needed to in the system & then Bossman came over when he noticed I had someone with me & made sure I had done everything properly. It was kind of funny cause he was telling me to do this & that which I had all ready done but how do you say that to your boss without offending him or making him feel stupid? I haven't figured that out yet. I also did a lot of teller transactions to familiarize myself with that since I will have a drawer at my desk & sit in for some of the teller on lunch breaks & absences. It was so much fun & really easy. My boss was impressed by how quickly I've picked things up & all ready know about their programs. So I feel very accomplished.

In regards to that Friday before Labor Day, I got it off. It wasn't difficult at all. I just told Bossman that I had tickets & plans that I had made 6 months ago that I had forgot to mention sooner? But then again when would I have mentioned it? This was his first day back since I started. He said it wasn't a problem at all even though I will be at the corporate office doing training. Apparently there training goes at its own pace, if you are getting things quicker it goes by quicker etc. Thank goodness I am a fast learner!!

I received 1 out of 4 packages today. Thankfully they were my new karaoke CDs. Now I can sing some new stuff! I've been so bored the last few weeks not knowing what to sing & tired of singing my regular stuff. Last week Roman was going to do the male vocals on Bring me to Life but this woman [that is so average if not below] sang it right before I was to write it up. That's okay though, there is always a next time! [/EDIT]

Today's scope~ Forget about what you're sure will happen -- because it won't. Expect everything you would never, ever have thought possible, especially now -- that way, you'll be ahead of the game, and able to lend a hand to someone else.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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