l too many mistakes today l

| August 20, 2004 || 5:10 p.m. |

Friday's are great but not when your boyfriend sends a response to your email asking about tonights plans with "not tonight, I just gonna stay home and relax and have a good night sleep, having problem sleeping lately when you there". [frowns] I don't like that. He did say he'd call me tomorrow during the day but even still that response put a damper on my beautiful first friday here at the CU. I asked him why, how & all that crap but i only expect an 'I don't know' answer if one at all. he said that he has been waking up a lot. Last night I woke up a couple of times almost hitting the headboard from bad dreams. I attacked a guy in two different dreams for hurting my mom. Thankfully I missed both times [the headboard].

Of course I start my two week training this coming Monday & I am not looking forward to that drive. I think I'll have to leave by 730A to be there by 9A. Which means to be dressed professional, hair & make up [well I can do that while driving] I'll have to be up by 630A, at the latest. I don't know how well that will work out. I am so bad at waking up so early.

I grabbed the movies this morning which is good since my night will be spent alone, usually I've been leaving them with the wishful thinking that I'd be back that night. I've caught on finally & unfortunately. I think I've been keeping him up cause I've been ***** so I get up [as to not interrupt is sleep] & take care of business in the living room.

I received my fun stuff yesterday & now I am expecting two more packages; my cell phone accessory & the egyptian sheets [those will take a while I imagine since they are coming from EGYPT]. I can't wait. But I guess I kind of have to.

I want to go out & do something or hang out with someone tonight but I can't go crazy spending money. I have very little to last until the 1st when I get my first AFCU paycheck. Perhaps I'll go to the tavern & dance. While drinks tend to be expense I can do the white trash thing by drinking before I head over.

Today's scope~ Convincing others to do your bidding won't be tough -- but getting them to stop trying to anticipate your every wish might be. If you're not sure about the long-term prospects for this relationship, be fair. Don't toy with them.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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