l I thought this would be short. l

| August 23, 2004 || 10:20 p.m. |

Man I feel like a zombie right about now. It's been the longest day I've experienced in a while, especially since I've started at AFCU. I woke up at Suisse's after spending the weekend there around 545A. I had to take a quick shower since I left the top I was to wear under my black with pink pinstriped blazer thingie. Ooh and my trouser socks. All so I could be on the freeway by 730 and get to La Habra by 9A. It must have been a miracle monday where no one went to work cause I left exactly at 730 and got there just after 8!! I didn't want to stop in the morning to grab the toffeenut latte from S*bucks I was craving, so when I got there so early I figured I'd find the local one. Eert, wrong! I drove for an hour & did not find one! At least not until lunch when it was too late & I had to settle for 711 coffee - cheaper but blech.

Everyone in training is a lot of fun & the people there are great I'm just going & going non stop. I don't have any internet access there so I apologize the entries are going to be done really late & probably for a little while short. Having to wake up even earlier then I did at CSC is killing me & really throwing off the internal clock & I just reset. Also if I'm at Suisse's for the night then that means so computer access then either. I have the Isaak concert this thursday then Dave Matthews on Sunday... sheesh and then that weekend after is Labor day right? So that means road trip with Suisse. I have to start looking into things if we're going to the Grand Canyon. Things fill up quickly so I've heard & he just keeps forgetting to do it. Leave it all up to me!

Please, please, please. Do me a HUGE favor! Please go to this site and sign your name to be put on the Worlds largest Pink Ribbon. No email to give them, no money. Just your name, city & state. For every person that signs the ribbon 3M will donate a dollar towards the fight for breast cancer. Ever since my Mom's breast cancer discovery a year ago this past May I've been ever more active then I've ever been for anything ever. It's a huge and real threat that frankly scares me a shit load more then this terrorist crap going on. I'm not into politics & I don't ever claim to know anything about it. Sorry sexyatheist, that is just a topic I chose to remain in the dark for me. I have formed my thoughts & opinions on those topics from the little I have learned but I'd be the first to welcome being corrected if I didn't understand or misinterpreted something. Whatever, just please go to that site & add your name. If not for me, for the cancer survivors everywhere.

I know it's only 10P here but I need to hit the hay if I'm going to last another 9 days of this commuting. The Positive to it [aside from all the learning] is it puts me in the same neighborhood as my best friend Mary. I went to her house for a work out [thanks to using her sisters 24 hour card] & dinner. I finally even got to see her little sisters Baby boy who is over a year old now. This used to be my second family & in a strange way whenever I am there it still feels like it but that has been rarely if at all these past few years. Did I ever write about her & her bf finally setting a wedding date? They are getting married on their 8 yr. anniversary. Which is only a year & a half away. Did I mention that I am the one that introduced them & told her to give him her number?? Actually I made her only cause it was a night where we'd go dancing & she'd have to do whatever I told her to do. Funny long story, nothing dirty so clean those thoughts of yours. So needless to say they finally set a date & this time I am the maid of honour! All three of her sisters [all younger] want to do the planning with me on all the maid of honour stuff which honestly I don't mind the financial help at all but there will be stuff that I want to plan just for the two of us. Man only 5-6 years ago we were inseperable. We lived only blocks from one another in the Huntington Beach area & were together on a daily, and I mean daily basis. She was the best work out partner I have ever had. We push each other to the limits if not beyond. Too bad we haven't belonged to the same gym anymore like we did way back when. I was in the heathliest & best shape of my life then. [whispers under her breathe] soon my pretty, very soon.

Today's scope~

At the moment, you're even more friendly, outgoing and socially appealing than usual -- which is really saying something. So marching across the room to say hello won't be a challenge, right?

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011