l Time for a change l

| September 17, 2004 || 2:02 p.m. |

Got busted the first time here for being on the Internet. It wasn't really my log on or my games but since he didn't cop to his own shit then I got the brunt of it. Just another shit ass thing I hate about having to share a damn desk with anyone.

There has been a lot of work coming in but the big stuff that I need to have taken care of just isn't getting done. For instance I am not authorized yet to fund loans yet that is all they want me to do right now. What the hell is up with that? I forget where I left off on my last entry & can't really get on there to check it out. We went to Outback with Red & co Wednesday night & had so much food. I was insatiable that day; remember I said I just couldn't stop grubbing? Well it's true. I had a fat med rare steak w/ garlic-mashed potatoes, the yum yum good bread they give you, a salad, and coconut shrimp & even split the praline ooie gooie brownie a la mode with Red. I was stuffed but after all that I had all ready eaten through out that day I am surprised I was that hungry. Baby Angelina slept in her car seat the entire time & just looked so precious. Suisse asked a lot of questions about her sleeping habits & how they are coping with everything. I still believe that he is in his nesting phase. Perhaps he'll be longing to hear the pitter patter of whiddle feetsies soon? I would love that. I've been thinking more & more that perhaps waiting until I am 32/33 is a little too long to wait to start our family. I've been reading so many articles about how it's not healthy for so many to wait, as they are these days. But I don't know. I just started also reading the book "Quarter life Crisis" where it explains how being stuck in this area of your life where you feel stagnant & unsure of how to accomplish everything in the amount of time that you see yourself wanting to. I think I got that completely wrong there but it seems like a great book so far. I can identify with a lot I've read & so far I'm only at page 14.

It's Friday, no plans as of yet. I'd really love to go out & do something w/ you know who but I was told this morning early tomorrow he's either A] mountain biking w/ Bill or B] playing racquetball w/ him. What happened to us going hiking & exercising together like we talked about on our vaca? I need the exercise too ya know! What a brat. So Saturday with him is pretty much shot & then I have to head out to the Pala around 1P so I can be there a little early & make sure I know my route to get there. Not to mention I need to allow for time to get gussied up & all purdy for the casino folk. I need to break in my new black croco heels before then so I am not dying on my feet Sunday night. I just wish things were a little easier but doesn't everyone?

Looks like my friend Tracey might need some company tomorrow too so at least my Saturday isn't looking so dim. We need to hang out more often anyways. The one good thing I can say about working or sharing this desk with this guy is his girlfriend works for a porn distribution company so anything I want I can email her & get for cost. Sweet, I've all ready ordered One night in Paris for only $23. I have a feeling my collection will now begin to grow - slowly but it will grow!

Today's scope~ Where did you get those shoes? Your good taste and fashion savvy will pay off today, but don't be fooled by all those admirers gawking at your feet. They're gawking at you all over. Don't lose your balance avoiding their gaze. With everything going your way, you may think that you're the one in charge, but it's actually love that rules the roost during these next few days. You're at the center of all the harmony and sharing -- in fact, you may be responsible for most of it. You're now in a position to meet many excellent new people. Networking at a business function could bring a few surprises your way. If you're single, expect to meet someone who leaves you feeling a little more lightheaded than normal.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011