l Long ass Monday good bye l

| September 20, 2004 || 9:28 p.m. |

My first night turned out to be my last night at the Pala. I was late but that isn't why. The Football game was delaying our start as it was so being late was not a huge deal & didn't effect the show but the football season did. We are both temporarily fired until the end of the season [January]. Football didn't do that last year to the karaoke scene as E has been there 2 yrs now but I guess this year the management just doesn't want both going on. The football screen is behind the main dance floor & up about half way splitting the showroom in half. I guess you could say they are up on the third tier. We had a lot of people complaining to management about us not being there for so long. Karaoke is a big deal for all the regulars there. I don't think it will do much good but just in case E will be calling me if he picks up the Karaoke contract at the Pechanga. I think he said that would be on Saturday nights from 9P-1A so tips would be sweeeet plus it would be more money for both of us. Not to mention that whenever he has extra gigs I would be able to do them.

Works been busy this week so far. We've been having so many loans coming in it's amazing. The only shitty thing is even though I know have an appro password they didn't give me any authorization to even get to the menu. ???? I don't think they have their shit together in the whatever department does that crap, so I still can't do anything under my own name & log in. Only two more weeks with Robert there towering over me & dammit if I don't get my One night in Paris tomorrow I will kill the fool. He is so damn ghetto it's retarded. I've never heard or tried to been taught so many ridiculous ghetto phrases ever. He's like the ghetto language center.

I am completely premenstrual right now. I am craving ice cream, basically anything w/ sugar. Thankfully Bill let me have two of his Mrs.. fields cookies. Suisse wouldn't let me come over to eat my ice cream. I called late & he was sleepy. I had thought him to have gone to a Monday night poker or something since I tried to call around 5:45 but apparently he was just napping. I hate having so many damn cravings. I could eat everything in sight around this time.

I'm making progress with my credit clean up. I talked to Bill tonight & he is going to work with me on the rent thing. I agreed to paying most of it on the first then the rest of it on the next paycheck two weeks later. That will work for me although I'd really prefer to just pay less all together but at least he is being flexible period right? I should have it all cleaned up & better in three months so let's see that is by 2005. Then I can work on getting my MINI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay I am bored, nothings on TV & I should get some sleep since I'm driving to La Habra to donate blood for our work blood drive. O- is rare find these days I guess and it's universal so I love to do my civil duty.

Today's scope~ Just when you think things are settled, life takes another turn. Today is the day for yet another of those turns, so hold on tight, dear Libra. You will likely receive some information that will have a dramatic impact on your life. Perhaps you'll receive an opportunity to move to another state... or another country. Or perhaps your partner will pop the question. One thing is clear: your future is promising indeed!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011