l For you I fall so fast l

| September 28, 2004 || 5:14 p.m. |

I never want to go through a divorce. My poor hun keeps getting screwed by his wicked ex. This month was supposed to be the end of the California mandatory 6 month cooling off period before the divorce was 100% [retarded law if you ask me], but low and behold he received an email yesterday from the biotch saying that something was done wrong - her name was wrong, she forgot to initial one page & sent it to the courts rather then his lawyer so that signature was missing as well. Just another damn excuse to stay somehow attached to him or be somewhat in his life. But she is not. No way and no how. It's killing her how happy he is now sans her. I love that fact. We are so much a couple, an item, a perfect blend that not one person could come between us. I used to have doubts and reservations about her emailing him but not anymore. I know that she will be out of his life once the corrections are made to the papers and he no longer needs to communicate with her about the divorce. I can now be at peace with the situation.

I spent a little too much time awake and playing on the computer last night. That damn Sorry game on games.com has be hooked! I was also a little ill from baking double dark chocolate brownies then eating an entire row! yeah can you tell I am trying to lose weight? At least I've started doing some sit-ups and push-ups in the morning & night. I think that will help a bit. I wanted to start hiking soon with Suisse but since the Big Bear trip for this weekend was cancelled [for us cause they are now going up Saturday rather then Friday so it's not worth the drive to come back down the next day], we have to try our best to go this weekend. Well after we return to my friends house for the real serious game of poker. I'll probably sing again cause I did crappy at the table last time. I still want to buy my betty bike but my savings account is still too low & I've been using it to pay off the little accounts on my credit report. One more down today & 4 [maybe only 3] to go. Anyone want to donate $517 bucks so I can pay it all at once? Like I said I really don't have much left that I owe it just takes a while to pay it off since I need to be able to survive & pay the bills I have all ready [Cell, Car, Insurance & Rent]. I figure I spend roughly 1080 bucks a month on all of that & I bring home around $2200/month. I should be able to do it but then again I am not counting gas which is about $60+/-/month, groceries = $160 including bar tabs [okay just this month] so I should have over a thousand left right? I spent way too much money on myself this past month so no. Can you believe I have spent over $500 bucks buying crap off of ebay, at clothing stores & other random gifts etc? I could have had all of that paid off but no I have three pairs of nice new bed sheets, Suisse does too including a bed skirt that he's been looking for & Hmmm I forget what else that is how important & much I really needed the crap I bought myself. I need to write out a budget. Anyone know how that can help me? Please do send me a template or something.

Back to other stuff like I need to figure out what to get Suisse for his birthday. He has been going back & forth about wanting a PS2. I don't really agree with him having one since he watches enough TV, plys enough computer games online & has other things that pull him away from us spending time together but then again that is selfish of me. How much does those run anyway? Anyone know how to get a great deal on one? What about games? Are they still around $50 bucks a pop like when Nintendo came out? See how long it's been since I've played that stuff? I am clueless. I don't know what else though. I don't want to get something that will just sit there like the NHL Hockey Monopoly game I bought him last year. The most it's moved is from the side of his nightstand to the hall closet - still in it's clear wrapping unopened & the cool Bev Doolittle Puzzle I got him for part of his X-mas presents - he did the puzzle his fam friend got but mine is still on the dining room table - I opened it but never really did anything with it either. I also have Brucegirl's birthday the day after Suisse's. I think I know what she is getting but it's not 100% yet, and no I am not telling here! If you must know and are not her then email me. =)

I have to close up now and head home. Good night! You just may see me online but who knows. xoxoxoxoxo, angel

Today's scopes~ Sept 28: Full Harvest Moon in Aries

If ever there was a perfect time to get up and go, this is it. For starters, the Moon, that lovely silver orb,
has waxed to her fullest -- an energetic time for all of us. But this time out, she's wearing fiery, assertive Aries, the sign that most loves to get the show on the road no matter where that show might be heading. If you've got a project to put into motion, don't hesitate a single moment longer. Put all your energy into it (which will be considerable now) and rest assured that you can't help but succeed. All you need to do is to rally up the oomph to get started. So what's the holdup?

This full Moon will especially influence those of you born under the cardinal signs, particularly Libras born September 26-30, Capricorns born December 24-28, Aries born March 23-27 and Cancers born June 24-28.

Sept 28: Mercury into Libra
Mercury is the messenger of the gods, the planet in charge of how we communicate. This chatty guy will take
off for charming Libra for the next two weeks, putting everyone in a wonderfully cooperative, extremely civil frame of mind. Does this mean you'll end up exchanging sweet nothings with someone dear to you? Absolutely. It may also mean that you'll put an end to that long-term dispute you've been dealing with for months, or maybe
even years. Oh, let it go. It's more fun to be nice.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011