l Where is my happy ending? l

| October 08, 2004 || 6:00 p.m. |

I said it once & I'll say it again... all of these hurricanes in Florida, Mt. St. Helen & now my old friend Mt. Spurr in Alaska has joined in on the Apocalptic fun. It's the end of the world folks, at least the one that we know now.

Well I'll be damned if they didn't give me access to actually fund my own loans! I wonder how long I have been operating under Robert's log in when I could have taken the credit I deserve for all of the work I've done... interesting that I discover this when he is gone...

I have about 11 minutes to get the last approval on a refinance that we kind of botched or the dealership did the first time around. I don't think I am going to make the deadline for my work day.. I wanted to get both the loans funded today but I guess I'll have to settle for Monday on this one. The member is in Virginia so it really doesn't make that big of a difference now does it? I guess not.

So I annoyed Suisse last night because he decided that he wanted to just be alone & relax last night. I whined so much about only having seen him for an hour at Cheers [even though it was a special and rare appearance on his part] then meeting him at home & promptly falling asleep. That wasn't enough for me so I pushed, whined and argued so much he didn't even want to talk to me on im later that night. Damn I can be really selfish can't I? The best news in the world is that after he stopped by his lawyers he learned that he won't have to wait another 6 months for the divorce to be final. Woo Hoo! My honeybun will be officially divorced after waiting nearly 2 yrs!

The crappy news [well for me] is he had a lot of running around to do both yesterday & today. It's a friends bday that we are celebrating tonight but he is picking up the famfriend from her annual month+long vacation home to Switzerland. She is bringing back beaucoup chocolat for both of us & stuff back from his mom/family for him so he is going to hang out & visit with her while I party with my friends. I am not sure if I will be over there tonight. I really hope that I am but as he said it all depends on how late he gets home. I don't want another night away from him... you all know how I feel about all of that.

Any ways I have to clean up & close out. Perhaps I will have a sec to add to this before I go to the party. Or maybe not...

xoxoxoxxoxoxo, angel

Today's scope~ Rest may be long overdue in your repertoire, but today isn't the day to explore your inner bean bag. Your friends need a leader (for a little social pick-me-up or an important project). Don't let them down now. Your friends all seem to think that you know how to have a good time. Maybe you should listen to them. Follow your own recommendations for inviting the perfect guests or attracting the best kind of date. Think big, live large and start counting your blessings and other good things too numerous to mention. Throw a block party with your house as the central headquarters. Paint a mural of some vision that can't be contained in anything smaller. Go public with a secret romance and get a standing ovation from the crowd.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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