l It's Sunday all ready? l

| October 10, 2004 || 5:00 p.m. |

I didn't get my weekend wish, rather I've been in bed the whole time. I tried to go out last night but by the time I got to Cheers my friends were leaving all ready. I had thought my roommate was coming with so I continued to play sorry online waiting for her to be out of the shower. Well she never got in and 30 minutes later I went to check on her but no she had decided to not go & better yet not tell me either. So after all of the I drove to Cheers to see my friends walking out the door as I was about to walk in. Ooh well it was late & thank goodness [even though I hadn't been drinkingDel Taco takes atm cards! I returned home to eat my spoils & go to bed, alone. again. for the 3rd night in a row.

I did help my roommate yesterday finish painting her room. I love the color so much that I asked Bill to buy more so I could do mine the same. She did all of the main walls & I came in just in time to do all the corners & edges to finish the room off. It's a nice natural brown color, almost like a soft suede - it would totally match the accent pillows I have on my bed as well as compliment the pink damask striped sheets on my bed. I can't stand the olive green color I have now. I'll post the pics at the end of this entry to show you what I mean.

There is a great movie on today "Frankenstein", it looks amazing & we both have been waiting for a while to see it but now it looks like I will be watching it alone. I know he does this every once in a while & it really shouldn't take me by surprise. I think that the withdrawal from not having my wellbutrin may be causing my emotional upheaval this weekend. I haven't taken it in about two weeks I think. I hate it, I know it's really hard [or so I've heard] getting off of it but I had no choice, no insurance; no wellbutrin. As of November 1st I'll be insured again but I don't know how long it will take to be able to get a prescription for it again. I have to check with my Dad's wife, maybe I'll be able to get some trial sized bottles from her.

On the Washington Family front: I leave on the morning of the 16th & I just got off the phone with my cousin [hockeytwins], and she has been put on bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy which is 11+ weeks. They almost kept her in the hospital for the entire time but they gave her one chance. If at her next appointment or before anything happens they will keep her in the hospital until she delivers. She said that she had started going into labor which is why they decided that. Just a week ago she was 1 1/2 inches dilated which this early in her pregnancy is not good. I've heard though that having twins & especially being her first pregnancy early labor isn't that uncommon. What ever happens I just hope the babies come out fine & healthy. This does mean that she can't take me to the hockey game but that's fine, I wouldn't want to put her into danger just so I can see a hockey game. It actually turns out better for everyone> Now I can spend that entire day & night at my dad's then head over to Jayna's early Sunday morning to make her breakfast in bed & then drive her to the baby shower where she must remain completely reclined. After the shower & plan on making us a nice dinner & having a girls night with movie just the two of us. It should be some fun. Her birthday btw is the 18th so I thought that we could [rather then go out as we had planned] make a nice big dinner at her house as a family to celebrate both of our birthdays together. I don't think we have ever celebrated our birthdays together in our entire lives. Mind you even in Alaska we never lived close together. Speaking of which I should call my dad to talk to him about all of these plans.

So I think that about wraps up my weekend update. I will do another entry tomorrow but then after that I am in La Habra Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - I will get out early all three days [4:30P] so I might be able to update afterwards assuming I can get some computer time. I'll try my best as I don't know if I'll get much time online while in Washington.

xoxoxoxoxo, angel

Today's scopes~ Lest you decide to stay in bed and waste some of this marvelous day, don't! It will be well worth getting up early. You've got one whole day to enjoy -- a very tender, romantic day. Everything comes together for you as the stars fill in your dance card. You excel at all the latest numbers by knowing when to lead and when to follow. Whatever is asked of you, you are able to accomplish easily. Others look to you for advice about the how and the where. The deeper meanings are not in question -- everyone already seems to know the why. Tonight, be on the lookout for someone who is desperately trying to get your attention. Don't question their motives -- just say yes.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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