l You're almost as pretty as your voice l

| November 21, 2004 || 7:46 p.m. |

Ooh man am I exhausted... I had such a great time this past weekend. By far the best weekend since I've been here. It was great having a little slice of California here visiting me. The first night we hit up a place called City Streets in downtown Fort Worth. We got totally lost but eventually found it. SO many confusing one way streets, we once time ended up in the stockyards and that was pretty scary. That place is huge and there are a ton of different rooms to hang out in no matter what mood you're in: disco, techno, karaoke [where we were of course] and then there are pool tables and I think maybe even games. We both were the biggest hit they've seen there and the kj gave us his number so we could be put on his guestlist and not have to pay the cover charge... that fucking rocks.

We spent the entire night there chatting, drinking [i've never seen him that drunk before, funny thing], and then stayed up until nearly dawn talking and stuff. I swear we got next to no sleep at all. No, nothing happened with us. It was weird, that part I mean. We're great friends and I did have a crush on him years ago but I am just not ready for anything like that, I just couldn't. I couldn't let myself, I still love S too much, so damn much. It's pathetic really. But time wounds all heals. That is why I am here; new life, new beginning.

We didn't go anywhere Friday night other then to the movies to watch Bridget Jones's Diary, The edge of reason. That was a great film, totally hilarious - definitely worth recommending. I needed my beauty sleep so after hanging out at my grandma's house we grabbed some dinner and called it a night.

I met a girl on myspace.com that lives around here. Her and I started chatting or emailing and she was talking about all these bars they go to. She asked if we wanted to meet them up there so we said sure why not. Saturday night is a great night to check out the Dallas area since we've all ready been to Fort Worth. Plus it's the gay area of Dallas so that makes it even more worth the drive.

She turned out to be really beautiful, instant crush. I mean after text messaging her and emailing w/ her a few times I knew we'd get along and I knew she was cute but wow, I was surprised to see that she was even more beautiful in person not to mention incredibly sweet and funny. We went to a few bars, one lesbian and two mostly gayboy all right next to one another! It was fucking awesome and strange. You don't see that in West Hollywood, at least not right next door to one another. There was even a cowboy gaybar across the street! Wow, I never thought I'd actually see that anywhere but in cheap movies.

I think I might continue this later. I'm kind of caught up in an intense im with someone...

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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