l Like what about the mall huh? l

| November 23, 2004 || 1:20 a.m. |

I neglected to mention what the title of yesterday's entry meant. It's not just some random quote like a lot of my titles are... Some guy actually used that line as a compliment. He said he meant it in the best way possible. "You're almost as pretty as your voice". I was so close to smacking him but he was drunk and it wasn't worth my time, besides I was there with my friend and we were having a blast, no sense in ruining the fun no is there?

I got a kiss. Did I mention that too? The cute girl and I kissed. She was sitting on my lap at the end of the night so I could keep her warm. Gentle kisses did I use to cover that beautiful angel tattoo, softly her head tilted back so I could then reach those sweet red lips. sigh I made one person incredibly jealous by being honest about my friend visiting and the girl I met. He said he never got jealous but he did. What nice yet painful feeling that was. Right through the heart it did sting but other then that we had a wonderful im conversation, best in a long time actually.

I do hope to talk to her well see her again soon. It's been about 4 years since I was in a lesbi@n relationship and even with everything that is happening or had happened, I think I wouldn't mind being in one again. I think at this point in my life I would really welcome it. Someone last night just told me that they think I need to be w/ a girl rather than a guy. I think he is right, at least for right now that is. I've been missing so much about being w/ women the past few years perhaps it's time I just dive right in again to that pool.

I've got an interview on Wednesday, a group interview @ American E@gle Outfitters. yeah I know it's retail but I've got to get something even if it is just part time or seasonal. I also have one @ the gap for the following week. I worked there over x-mas back in 2000, they have great discounts for their employees, the clothes there are pretty good even if they are made by sweat shops. I put in a ton of apps at the mall where my little brother works. I haven't really done retail since 2001 but how hard is it? I hate the smell that the clothes hangers give your hands though. Eeew!

today's [actually Mondays] horoscope~ You've been seeing someone casually, and that arrangement has suited you just fine -- but prepare yourself. They want more than just a fling. What can you do? You're just so darned charming. Today is all about relationships -- not just romantic ones (although those also apply) but your relationships with everyone in your life. Your family. Your boss. The guy on the street. Are you absolutely sure you know what the rules are in this game? You are slowly pushing at the boundaries of what's appropriate, although you may not realize it. Keep in mind that no matter what you do behind the scenes, appearances are everything right now. Put on a smile and do whatever else it takes to send all the guests home with a resounding impression of how wonderful you are -- you can clean up all of your dirty laundry after they've gone home.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011